Check this meshuggish rough clip: "CHUGAWOOKA"

Yeah, those guitars sound amazing.

Out of curiousity, when your using many layers of guitars, how does the sample engine knows which samples to pick for each individual track, if they pick the same samples at the same time it would mess up the mix, am I right?

Is this 2 or 4 track btw?

Anyway amazing job.
exzem said:
Yeah, those guitars sound amazing.

Out of curiousity, when your using many layers of guitars, how does the sample engine knows which samples to pick for each individual track, if they pick the same samples at the same time it would mess up the mix, am I right?

Is this 2 or 4 track btw?

Anyway amazing job.

It recognizes them by using "keyswitches" (some MIDI notes that have the function of change the kind of samples you wanna use, for example, tremolos, hammer-on, 5ths, 4ths...) and MIDI Controllers, as Velocity, Modwheel, Aftertouch...

... and it's doubletracked, not quadtracked :)

Thank you indeed! ;)
Awesome sound.
But I'm not able to find a good reason to use ALL virtual instruments....I mean, ok it sounds perfect.....but it's more like playing football with PS3 and not in the park with your friends :D
Awesome sound.
But I'm not able to find a good reason to use ALL virtual instruments....I mean, ok it sounds perfect.....but it's more like playing football with PS3 and not in the park with your friends :D

I don't have enough technique to play/record this kind of stuff by myself... So this is an alternative to my creativity. And yes, I have musical learnings, just in case somebody doubts it.:lol:

I did not expect this. Sampled guitars? :O I didn't know it was possible to make something like this out of a sampled guitar, jeeeeeez.

At first, I was really respecting you for being able to play that nicely and tightly, but now I respect you even more for being able to pull this off at all :D Nice dude!

i don't know how many times i've listened to it.. it's awesome!
Erkan said:

I did not expect this. Sampled guitars? :O I didn't know it was possible to make something like this out of a sampled guitar, jeeeeeez.

At first, I was really respecting you for being able to play that nicely and tightly, but now I respect you even more for being able to pull this off at all Nice dude!

Nobody expect this.That is what makes my sound test so "special" :rolleyes:. Believe me or not, but it has lots and lots of work, but I'm very used to.

dcdanman said:

i don't know how many times i've listened to it.. it's awesome!

Yeah, I'm of a new generation of a "made-by-one-man" band. Me and "Chicho" (my laptop's name") are going to conquer the world and summon it to the Apocalypse!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!:heh::heh:

Just joking dude! :loco:But this is only an alternative way to be creative make music, and that's the main thing I think :D .
I would LOVE to hear some faster stuff with prominy sc... if this thing does trem picking convincingly, I would probably have to poop my pants.

You would have to? What, is this some sort of ritual you do whenever you are impressed by stuff? Hahaha, sounded funny and I'm just dickin' about! :)

And Javi dude, go go go, use Vocaloid vocals on this thing man, it would be THE most interesting song ever :D 100% sampled stuff, that's awesome! hah
Sickan, Erkan:

Seriously, dudes, VOCALOID are the most shitty synth vocals in the word. They sound toooooooooo much japanese and synthetic. If I had the "Prima" Vocaloid library, I could be a bit more realistic, but it doesn't work in my laptop (I don't know why... it just f**** me off... :erk: )...


Do you want some trill stuff, huh?...

.... Hehehehehe, I'll give you some trill stuff :heh:
this sound... allllll over my face!

I'll add a wtf as well, it being a sampled guitar.. but the biggest plus for me in this mix is the bass sound, im blown away.. well done.
Ok... fuck, I have to say this. I just stopped eating my dinner and paused a movie just to write this right here and right now.

This song has caught on to me really really "hard", I'm in fucking love with it. Let me put it this way... if you released an album and this was the teaser for the album, I would buy it immediately. It's THAT good, and I don't care if it's sampled guitars or not, it still sounds awesome. It would be very boring if it was just random Meshuggah djent but unlike that, this is awesome because it is not disturbingly rhythmic as that type of djent can be sometimes, and it has a very raw and great melody to it. If I would define a genre for what I'm in love with right now, it would be "Melodic Djent" or some shit (though I hate the word "Melodic" in metal genres because it makes me think of In Flames and crap... (sorry to IF fans!)).

It's funny I have never heard about that guitar library you are using, but this would sure as hell be an awesome way to market that product :D I'm blown away! I will probably never forget what you've done here dude, you wrote history in my fucking head.