Cheers and Jeers Thread


I found the GB I had moved it to my wallet. :)

And thanks everyone for the reciept thing. I'll have to make sure I look because the couple of times I did do a tab, I was pretty well out of it.


Sweet! I scoured the room looking for it! Glad you found it!

Did you ask the RI about those extra charges to our room? .. We made a few calls and bought their crappy tv internet. MetalRose thought she paid for it on her credit card, but when I checked out after she left I had to pay cash AND there was a movie on our bill though neither of us or our guests ordered one. I didn't know that at the time since she had arrived before me, and I was confused about the credit card thing, so I just paid it and went on my way. So with the problem of extras on the bar tabs, check your hotel bills too :Smug:
Since alot of people had complaints about the bartenders, I have a quick question...Did any of you use a credit card, write the tip in, and when you checked your transactions in your bank account the total wasn't the same? I bought two double drinks plus tip was $31 and the transaction on my bank statement says $44...I think one of the bartenders put their own tip on my receipt. Did anyone else have this problem? That'll be the last time i ever use my credit card at Center Stage. :mad:

The Asian bartender simply took her own tip from my girlfriend before giving her any change. We all work in the service/rest. industry so it's not like we weren't tipping her well either. Then, on 2 occasions, she tried overcharging me on beer only to have me correct her both times, after which she just kinda looked like a deer in the headlights. I took my business to side bar afterwards.

Here is an idea: Can we all chip in and sponsor Maria for PPIX?!?!
I spaced a huge cheer for Shane. Thanks for all you do with the Showcase. Things didn't go as planned this year, but you handled things well and with real style. It was still a great Showcase and I had a blast! :rock:
Yes it WAS and I had a blast too. Shane, you did an awesome job, as usual, and deserve major kudos, esp. considering the circumstances. Please pardon my deep disappointment at missing VP, but after looking forward to seeing them so much, it just felt necessary to express my huge sadness, if only to let the band know how much they were missed, (and hopefully, set up a "make-up" date) It certainly wasn't your fault and the show was ultimately a success. :rock:
I know you were completely drunk ... that's why I did my best to avoid you all evening.

I know absolutely nothing about being old, so I can't tell you anything :-(

Enjoy your b-day.
YOU are a funny guy! Get Copenhagen if there WAS such a thing as ready for US two ;)

How can you keep an eye on them when you're always telling me I don't drink enough? Mainly, because I'm not keeping up with you. :P

Thank you! What's up with THAT? Back off bully and just let the paying customers do their drinking, thank you.

Funny you should say that because I actually spent quite a bit of time talking to your Mom and Dad before Threshold (and before I knew they were your mom and dad) as I was sitting next to them in the seats behind the sound board. It's funnier still that I have never met you and Annie, but if you ladies are as cool as your parents, (and J-man says that you are) I'll definitely have to say hello to you both next year! ;)
VERY COOL! I hope we'll get to meet next time then!
Just wanted to post my 2 cents on the Asian bartender. I didn't have any issues with her at all. She was extremely pleasant to me all 3 days. The first day, she was a little down because her purse was stolen, the second day her bar back had found her purse and she was very excited. She also mentioned to me that day that she was scared at first, but she was really enjoying everyone. She never demanded a tip from me or gave me any attitude, but I also tipped her every round, I just do that.

Certainly not saying it was right of her to demand tips from anyone or give incorrect change (we had that happen at lunch the other day and I was pissed) just saying that I didn't run into any problems with her.

On the Maria note, everyone thought it was funny last year when she wrote "tip me you cheap bastards" all over herself in black magic marker.
Little late but here's a few of mine.

Glenn, Shane, Crew and everyone that makes PP possible.
My extended family members and the new ones that I met
Lara for saving me from a fate worse than death on Thursday morning/afternoon (hangovers suck)
Alicia for being a cool roommate (thanks for hunting down the drugs)
Shaye and Urban for bringing me Pizza (wow that's a hot pizza delivery man)
The stair tapers for helping me to not break my neck

the annoying guy who just couldn't understand that "sorry just not interested" means GO AWAY.
the weekend going by too quickly
alot of friends that didn't make it - we missed you guys

As always had a blast again this year. Can't wait to see everyone next year.

Just wanted to post my 2 cents on the Asian bartender. I didn't have any issues with her at all. She was extremely pleasant to me all 3 days. The first day, she was a little down because her purse was stolen, the second day her bar back had found her purse and she was very excited. She also mentioned to me that day that she was scared at first, but she was really enjoying everyone.

Which bartender was this? Reason why I ask is I was down in Vinyl's waiting for food when the guy bartender had mentioned that his gf was working upstairs and was frustrated at the lack of tips and he was telling her that a lot of Europeans aren't accustomed to tipping. I assummed she must have been up in the VIP lounge/bar area.

As for the bartenders in the regular lobby area - I didn't have a problem with either one of them.
I had one bartender tell me that the drink I was drinking was gross...which was a Southern Comfort and Coke. I think that's a little one asked you whether or not you liked it, and you're not the one drinking it! :kickass: