Cheese Organ


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Coincidence with all the Type O Negative talk in the last few days? No...I've always wanted to know.

Any vst/hardware recommendation for the famous Josh Silver pipe organ-ish sound? (not that he's the only one that uses it, but it should give an exact thumb on what I'm looking for)
I suppose I misspoke when I said Cheese Organ...that would probably be whats at the beginning of "My Girlfriends Girlfriend".

I always really liked whatever patches he was using for pipe organ, and I also liked the haunting sounding one he used in the middle of "Bloody Kisses". Mainly interested in the pipe organ style sound. Again...hardware or vst. I think it would be really cool to be able to reproduce it live if needed.
My mom has an old Hammond tube organ that has a setting on it which mimics what you are saying. You could always buy one of those beasts.
You get a sound that is VERY similar to that sound with that free version of the Kontakt 3 Player(Jazz Basic).
If you run windooz there are TONS of free organ plugs that sound awesome.
Look for words like "Farfisa" "Vox" "Continental", even "lounge" or things like that in the names of the instruments/presets.
If you have a Hammond emulator, turn off the Leslie, engage Vibrato 3 and use only the "full" drawbars (16', 8', 4', etc..), that's one way to try.
NI B4 has Farfisa and Vox presets already, I believe? These use(d) saw or square waves to produce the sounds, instead of the Hammond tone-wheels, which made (basically) a sine-wave, thus providing a more sharper, edgier basic sound. If you're handy with analog synthesis, these sounds are pretty easy to dial from an analog synth (or a virtual analog..).

Edit: reading closely, these apply to the "cheese" part.. ;) Pipe-organs? Probably some romplers/sample-players etc..