Chemcial Wedding Vox Track


Vocalist - Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Mystic, CT
So there I was, totally finished with the track....and my PC crashed! (I told you I was having problems.....)

Thankfully I didn't lose too much. I hope to have them completed by Thursday night and have them ready to email out on Friday morning. Now, who should I send them to?

A note on the trax - They will not be exactly like the original. I am 'doubling' the chorus, which hides my weak performance :):)

Also, I doubled the verses, but the second track is mixed extremely low. It seems to thickin it a bit without sounding doubled... I will save the studio file so I can resend out the vox a different way if I need to.

On a good note - a friend is upgrading my PC soon. I'll be purchasing a new CD-RW so I can actually keep my 130MB studio files!!!! I can't F&*%ing wait....
WOW.... i cant wait jim.....!!!

When youve finished them, email them to me... im not sure if anyone else is doing this one on the side.... but it might pay to upload them as well...

While im here...... is seventh son of a seventh son in your vocal ability.....??? Are you keen to slate it in when ever you can find the spare time after youve met all your other committments...???
Hey Meds!

The vox are on the way.... I had a problem with clipping in my mix, but I think the vox file sounded OK. Let me know, and I can re-export it if not. I'll keep my studio file around for a bit.

Also, I can mess with the vox mix if you want me to as well. Less doubling in choruses, less effects, ect. etc.

Keep me posted.
I just pulled down a mix I found on myplay.

...guys..this song sounds killer. Great job everywhere. Who played bass on this again? Hyde?

If this mix is Final...I think its great...if its just a working..I have 2 things...
1. I think the vox are just a hair too loud.
2. I think that the bass is just a hair too low.

The overall sound of the track is farking great! I'm gonna stop mixing guys do it better! Children Karaoke Final sounded great too!
yeah great points rabs....

Ive been thrashing this out big time.... and i also noticed i had the vox a lil too loud.....

Ill remix another...drop the vox down slightly...and bring the bass up some more.....

If its ok...ill send it over to you again maidenman....and if u get a spare min just upload this one and pull down the other.......

If theres no other suggestions...then this is how itll be...cause after this mix im deleting all the files....... so i hope everyones happy...!!
Sounds excellent guys, really good job everybody :) Also cred to the one who did that solo, very nice and true to the original. Did any you of you guys write a good guitar tab for this one, if so, can somebody mail it to me? :)