Infinite Dreams/Rabs?


I have a pretty decent vocal track of infinite dreams
Prob one of the cleanist very dry no effects at all tracks I have done thus far..

Would some one be willing to do (please) a final mix with this track?

I would just do a karoke mix down but the vox seem to stand by them self in the mix.

Let me know.? and where to send the track?

7thSon said:
I have a pretty decent vocal track of infinite dreams
Prob one of the cleanist very dry no effects at all tracks I have done thus far..

Would some one be willing to do (please) a final mix with this track?

I would just do a karoke mix down but the vox seem to stand by them self in the mix.

Let me know.? and where to send the track?


I'll take a look Paul, but I don't think I have the master tracks from this one here....
ugh...this one was mixed by Medsy long ago...and it never really turned out great...and I know he deleted the master mix long ago. I could mix it again, but I only have the bass/drum and my guitar parts..Medsy never made his guitar part he was the mixer...
...and sadly, I have not seen Medsy poke around here in a long time.

If you send me the track, I can try to mix it into the Karaoke track..but I'll probably get somewhere near the same results you got. I can try if you want - just send me the file in an email.
Rabs I sent the vocal track via email..
the mix I have of the song is not that great recorded hot but it sounds cool as hell with headphones on one guitar on the Rt and one on the Lt in parts
very cool
7th..its not going yet.. sorry man. I'll get to it soon. Have not tried the plug-in yet either. =( I'm slacking.
I'm on it soon...I'll probably also go ahead and load up I want out and see what I can do with it..I think it is safe to say at this point that MaidenMan is not going to surprise us with a mix anytime soon. :p