
Nov 23, 2002
not sure if anyone here plays, but i've been back in the mood for it just lately after attending my first ever FIDE blitz tourney. my username on is coltaine123, feel free to challenge me to a game of correspondence chess (i.e. 3 days per move or w/e) anytime. or live chess if i'm around.
I used to school my brother and friends back when I was a kid, but theres no way I could compete with someone who plays competitively. I used to be able to beat the computer on hard, but ive never really played anyone who was a serious chess player.
that's fair. i mean, i'm not amazing or anything but i'd expect to beat most casual players. it's a fun site for playing against people around your level though, in any case. has a phone app that gives you alerts when it's your move n shit so you don't forget.
I was never good enough at chess to even think about challenging serious players.

More of a Magic: The Gathering, classic Pokemon, or classic Yu-Gi-Oh guy.
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I mean.... I'm happy to combine the ideas of chess and tomagotchi to battle you with my malnourished neopets.
tamagotchis got banned at our school so collectively all the parents had to look after their kids' tamagotchis during school hours and there was hell to pay if any of them died. it was a difficult time i imagine
Pokemon cards got banned at our school, cause when I was in grade three I got in an argument with a guy in my class for stealing my holofoil Dark Arbok. Called him a "piece of shit" in class so I got detention and Pokemon cards got banned. Oops.
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I enjoyed Chess as a kid/teen but didn't really know anyone who played. I've started trying to teach my son. Will see how that goes...
Pokemon cards got banned at our school, cause when I was in grade three I got in an argument with a guy in my class for stealing my holofoil Dark Arbok. Called him a "piece of shit" in class so I got detention and Pokemon cards got banned. Oops.

i permanently fell out with my closest friend because he stole my golem card.
i was great at those digimon tamagotchis that you'd connect up and battle. i took way better care of mine than most people.
I had one of these
Pokemon cards got banned at our school, cause when I was in grade three I got in an argument with a guy in my class for stealing my holofoil Dark Arbok. Called him a "piece of shit" in class so I got detention and Pokemon cards got banned. Oops.
This reminds me of this one kid who had a Yu-Gi-Oh card with four colored stickers on it and claimed each color represents a card of his choosing. I peeled a sticker off, called him a cheater and watched him cry.
Pokemon cards got banned at our school, cause when I was in grade three I got in an argument with a guy in my class for stealing my holofoil Dark Arbok. Called him a "piece of shit" in class so I got detention and Pokemon cards got banned. Oops.

Pokemon cards got banned at our middle school because kids started selling the rarer cards for high prices (20 bucks is a lot to a 9 year old), and things just got completely out of hand. The 'dealers' had like binders full of cards and people would basically riot over certain cards, sometimes even in the middle of class. Fun times.