Chicago metal scene covered by the Tribune

Chicago's new little secret metal bar which is starting to get more & more popular is the Cobra Lounge. It's the metal equivalent to the Exit (more punk than metal) & it kicks ass! I've also heard that they have bands there once in a while. It can easily become a place to just go hang out & check out new underground bands.

Best metal atmosphere for a small club that I've seen in a LONG time!!! :kickass:

Yep, I LOVE Cobra....however, sometimes it's hit miss with the music
and cliental but it's one of my fav. places.
The club I was talking about is on 21st and State. Record Breakers owns it and there is two stages...a 21 and over bar and a all ages venue next to the store. They just opened up a little bit ago. They are pretty much doing all the chicago punk/hardcore shows there now. Record Breakers had some metal stuff for sale so who knows.
That place is called Reggies.
Cletus who ran Record Breakers runs it I believe.

Record Breakers used to have bands play.
Actually, come to think of it, my old band played their once!

Looks like they are getting bigger name bands.
For metal, it looks like mostly the "hipster" stuff, ala The Sword.
Before I say anything....I am ready to defend my comments to any who want. For there to be any strong metal scene in Chicago...they need to stop having shows at the Pearl Room. It is waaayyyyy to far and out of the way. there can be zero scene when everyone has to travel at least an hour to get to a show. That isnt a is a daytrip. There needs to be a common place in a localized area in the city for anytype of scene to happen. A place where local acts can play and people can meet up. Having to drive over an hour to a show has killed any fun I have to looking forward to any show I go to now. I dread the drive for Therion tonight.

Reggies has the right idea...a bar next to a record shop. Too bad there wasnt a club next to Metal Haven. that is how a scene can be built. A place to go and hang out and talk and a place to see shows.
Bob, your not alone with that wish, I know people that pretty much dont go there just because of the distance and they dont drive. Sure they can take the metra there but they would have to take a bus then a train downtown and then one out the venue. I dont know how late they run from there back into the city then more commute time to get back home. These are people that can get anywhere that they want in the city.

I go to PR but there are many shows that I've blown off because of the distance, tonights show included (Therion). Also look at certain shows that have come through here Symphony X at the Metro was insanely packed they played Mokena this year and it was 200-300? I hear Epica's turnout wasn't all great, I wonder if they played closer to the city if that would still be the same?

Weeknight shows in Mokena is just way too hard unless you live out that way. I cant keep taking off of work early because I want to go to a show. All ages shows start what 6-7 PM people get home from work and then tend to kill some time so they dont have to deal with traffic to get out the venue. That means lots of the opening acts get the shaft. Its really a shame because I like the venue I just wish it was about 30 miles closer, heck I'd settle for it being in Addison or Rosemont.
Bob, your not alone with that wish, I know people that pretty much dont go there just because of the distance and they dont drive. Sure they can take the metra there but they would have to take a bus then a train downtown and then one out the venue. I dont know how late they run from there back into the city then more commute time to get back home. These are people that can get anywhere that they want in the city.

I go to PR but there are many shows that I've blown off because of the distance, tonights show included (Therion). Also look at certain shows that have come through here Symphony X at the Metro was insanely packed they played Mokena this year and it was 200-300? I hear Epica's turnout wasn't all great, I wonder if they played closer to the city if that would still be the same?

Weeknight shows in Mokena is just way too hard unless you live out that way. I cant keep taking off of work early because I want to go to a show. All ages shows start what 6-7 PM people get home from work and then tend to kill some time so they dont have to deal with traffic to get out the venue. That means lots of the opening acts get the shaft. Its really a shame because I like the venue I just wish it was about 30 miles closer, heck I'd settle for it being in Addison or Rosemont.

I live in Elgin, it's 90 minutes each way for me everytime there's a show. I totally agree that location of this venue has hurt attendance figures. I had 2 chances to go to the Epica show for free and I blew it off cause of the distance.