Chicago Powerfest MC


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, let's talk about the guest MC for a bit.
I guess he is a known poster, esp on the ProgPower board.

This dude was awesome! I swear everytime he spoke I thought I was watching an episode of WWE RAW or SmackDown. This guy was entertaining and funny, but most importantly didn't have to try too hard!

He knew what to say at the right moment to keep the mood alive.

He looked a bit like Jay (Jason Mewes) from Jay and Silent Bob fame a bit (Maybe because of height and hair color).

This guy would be a very effective frontman for a band I would think.

What did you all think of this cat?
I think Nathan's a good guy. I believe that he overdoes it a little bit sometimes, but there's no denying his enthusiasm for the scene. :)
Nathan, aka: SwordLord is the god damned MAN!!!
His ONLY flaw is that he's 9 foot tall, and when he stands in front, it's hard for people under 8 foot to get a good view over him :)

I've never had anything but pleasantries from him, and while I don't know him very well, I've seen him at 2 progpowers and sonata in minneapolis as well, and he's one of those guys that does great things for the world of HEAVY METAL.

oh, Jasonic, he is the guy that got Gamma Ray to come to minneapolis!
I'll tell you what his other flaw is: If you tell him that you don't drink, while sipping from a beer can, he doesn't tend to believe you. He needs to be more gullible. :lol:
Still haven't met the guy, but he seems to be totally cool....and everybody that meets him says the same. I enjoyed his gig up there. As mentioned, I'd rather have him up there than in front of me!

I've had to host a few music nights and introduce bands like that. Ask Tammy. And I swear... I just can't do it like that. I know my limitations. He was spot on! Yakking with the front row people, asking who's traveled the farthest, that was totally awesome! Ate up some of the changeover time, got all the details right, didn't stumble for words or stutter or trip over the monitors, and he even sounded like he enjoyed being there!! Not like having a DJ just say the name over the mic - I hate that shit! Nate... you gotta do this shit at the Minnesota show, dude! Now I regret not making time and money to come see that show! CAN YOU FORGIVE ME????!??!!?!one!??!shiftone!??!shiftslash?!?!
Well, I don't even know what to say except THANK YOU ALL! Wow, talk about an amazing thread to wander into today!

I am very happy that my guest-emcee shenanigans were enjoyed. When I started my degree in Theatre Arts at the University of Minnesota, I had so many people ask me, "What the hell are you going to do with *that* kind of a degree?" Well ... you just never know what crazy twists and turns this life takes you on.

I would like to express public thanks to Chris and Shawn (sp?) for allowing me to guest-emcee the festival after Shawn's voice gave way. It was a real honor to be a part of this festival.

I truly do not want to steal anyone's thunder here. If all are agreeable, I would be very happy to return next year and share the emcee duties again.

THANK YOU ALL! I don't know what else to say ... I'm really touched by all the kindness here...

Nathan "The SwordLord" Block
Nathan you're the man brother! This is Vito from Novembers Doom. Dude I've said it before and I'll say it again.. No fest is truly metal without you there man! Take care brother hope to hang with you again real soon!
BalanceofPower said:
Nathan you're the man brother! This is Vito from Novembers Doom. Dude I've said it before and I'll say it again.. No fest is truly metal without you there man! Take care brother hope to hang with you again real soon!

Dude, that is just about the nicest compliment ever! Thank you for your kindness. You guys kicked so much ass at Heathen Crusade! I look forward to every show that I get to hang out with you and shoot the metal breeze.

Your metal brother,
Bryan316 said:
Now if only Nathan could sing.... Feel like joining a band in Detroit?


Okay how about being our permanent introduction guy? LOL

If anyone here has seen the movie "The Marx Brothers: A Night at the Opera," there is a scene in which Chico's character has a conversation with a singer named Ricardo who is looking for a break in the opera business. The scene goes like this.

Chico: Ah you maka me sick, ah you crazy! When you were 5 years old, you could sing better than the guy they hired over you!

Ricardo: Well you know it and I know it, but the public doesn't know it!

Chico: You know what you need? You need a manager. Someone who is a-really smart! Hey ... I know justa da man for you!

Ricardo: You do?! Who is it?

Chico: Me!

Ricardo: (Laughing) Well, you wouldn't make any money at it...

Chico: That's okay, so long as I no lose nothing!

So, Bryan316, "That's okay, so long as I no lose nothing!" :lol:
Nathan dude....

Have you ever heard the band Falconer? Is that where you got the idea for those freakin' gloves. When you were launching the horns I was totally expecting two falcons to land their talons into your wrists. Then maybe spread their wings with their chests out and scream something totally metal! :headbang:

If that had happened, it'd be by far the #1 Power Fest moment of all time!

Perhaps I was just too drunk, but I kept thinking that was going to happen at any moment!

The Michael
Michael TEOF said:
Nathan dude....

Have you ever heard the band Falconer? Is that where you got the idea for those freakin' gloves. When you were launching the horns I was totally expecting two falcons to land their talons into your wrists. Then maybe spread their wings with their chests out and scream something totally metal! :headbang:

If that had happened, it'd be by far the #1 Power Fest moment of all time!

Perhaps I was just too drunk, but I kept thinking that was going to happen at any moment!

The Michael

Yes, The Michael was well into his drink... but he's almost as odd when he's dead sober as well. Don't mind him. :)

Great job, Nathan. Not only are you good with a mic, but when you're on it, shorter people like me actually get a chance to see! :lol:
Esbita said:
Yes, The Michael was well into his drink... but he's almost as odd when he's dead sober as well. Don't mind him. :)

I just KNOW you're not making fun of weird people... we have a CULTURE, you know :lol: