Chicago Powerfest!


Southside Rocker
Mar 23, 2005
Chitown IL
Hey, How many people went to go see these guys kick ass at the powerfest? I loved you guys. If you don't remember me, I am the one that lost your cd booklet, so you guys could not sign it for me. Some jagoff took it. Nehoo, give me an e-mail Dustin for what we talked about. I could not find your e-mail address on the website. Other then that, how did everyone enjoy the show?

Stay metal!
That sucks that you never got your CD covers...I'd like to give someone the benefit of the doubt and say they "inadvertantly" picked them up cause I can't imagine someone wanting K-5's cd cover (haha):tickled: . (I was the guy standing next to the speaker in front of Curtis who you talked to after the set).

Seriously though I thought K-5 was one of the highlights of the weekend along with Imagika and Twelfth Gate. You guys definately sounded awesome and anyone that didn't catch it missed out on a pretty great set and weekend. :worship: :rock:

I had a lot of fun and enjoyed meeting the rest of the band whom I've heard so much about from Dustin and Curtis and Sherri.

I can't wait to see everyone in Atlanta (unless there's another surprise gig in the midwest between now and then).

What a fucking weekend!!!

You guys ruled!! Sorry for missing the first 3 songs but I was running late. The rest of the set was flawless and spot on!! I actually think the vocals sounded the best I've heard yet from singer to singer... even better than on CD. \m/ Finally got to meet the rest of you guys besides Dustin & Curtis and I can't wait to set up some Kat-5 and Imagika shows soon!!!

Definitely an awesome set from you guys, I was duly impressed!! Yeah Kat V needs to come out to the Bay and rock it, we need to get on that.

Great to meet the rest of you guys as well, Matt, Marc and Lynn. Cool to hang out and talk shop and drink many brews!!!

Dustin send me your snail mail addy dude!!!


Hey Everyone! :wave:

Thanks for all the kind words. :worship: :worship: :worship:

It was a great gig, and we'd do it again anytime! This was proably the best show we've played, it was totally on. I'll be throwing together another thread with somemore in-depth thoughts here this weekend.

@dtmetalfan69: Hey Samantha!!! You are one of the coolest fans we have! Your hardcore! It was good to see you there. I think we have found your booklet. (hint, hint) ;)

@zinescene: Yo John, glad you finally got to see us live! Also gald you really dug the live set! it's always cool to hang with you, and thank you again for the kind words.

@savascream: NORM!!!!! nuk-nuk-nuk!!! *blinks* *blinks* *blinks* You guys topped the Gilroy show... hands down, you all were ON FIRE! the new stuff never sounded better on stage, and the older material sounded fresh again. Glad to hear we made an impression on you! I even saw Steve out there during our set! :worship: Thank you again for all the kind words!

@Bear: Brotha'! You Finally got to see a live K5 show!!!! I'll be dropping you an email with my snail addy here soon. iI you got a feew good pics of teh show, feel free to post em' here on the forum too. ;) LOL! "Mormon Metal" ... well, we're not Mormon, but being that we live in Mormon-ville and if the title draws peoples attention to check us out, I have a feeling it'll stick around thanks to you, 'Zilla and Wayne. :grin: :tickled:

bottom line: all you guys & gals and all the other metal fans there made the show very special for us, I don't have allt eh words to describe it. Form the fans on the front row singing our songs and banging their fists in the air, to those in the back with their arms folded nodding in approval.... it all was worth every moment in Chicago! It was great meeting everyone and hanging out on that amazing weekend!

:worship: :worship: :worship:

..and this is a super-delayed reply! LMAO!!! :grin: gotta love movin into a new house... :hypno:

@BalanceofPower: Thanks brotha'! We would LOVE to come back to Chicago, the sooner the better, we had a blast and it went better than we had expected! One of the best crowds we've ever had, it was amazing!

@rrhoadsfan1: WOW!!! :worship: were not worthy! :worship: Thanks for the high props!
...I've got good news about the new album, and we'll be posting it here in the next few days. :Spin:

@eaeolian: LOL! yeah... I would definatly agree with you on all points there, thanks brotha'! It might have had something to do with the fact that people were actually getting into our stuff, knew the songs AND we could hear ourselves onstage for once... The back-of-house sound guy had us dialed in perfectly, which is a first for us! LMAO! :tickled:
