Chicago Recap - Wish I could add more...

Evergrey said:
That's cool, I totally recognized her from the pic you sent. She was standing right next to Ion Vein (who I had NO CLUE was there until the guy passed me a Ion Vein flyer). I felt like an idiot.
She was with Ion Vein because the singer is her BF. Was Lotesto whacked out again? He's awful silly when he drinks....
Oh BTW, I hope Jaime doesn't mind but I'm putting a link to a picture you might find amusing- let's just say it preceded the wheelchair story I told you about!
LOL!! Oh my that is hilarous. Definitely understand the story better now. So are you excited about the Toronto show! Are you going to stay overnight there or drive back the same night? I would recommend staying the night b/c Amanda and I did the wrong thing by driving back last Sunday night from Cleveland. I had Ambassador and More than Ever blasting at full force the last hour just to keep from driving off the road! Monday and Tuesday I was out of commission for gettin no sleep Sunday night. Finally feel better today!
Evergrey said:
LOL!! Oh my that is hilarous. Definitely understand the story better now. So are you excited about the Toronto show! Are you going to stay overnight there or drive back the same night? I would recommend staying the night b/c Amanda and I did the wrong thing by driving back last Sunday night from Cleveland. I had Ambassador and More than Ever blasting at full force the last hour just to keep from driving off the road! Monday and Tuesday I was out of commission for gettin no sleep Sunday night. Finally feel better today!

Did you like that pic then? :zombie:
I am starting to get excited now- but I'm bummed that we have to drive home afterwards. Neither of us can really miss much more work since we been vacationing and attending concerts for most of the last 2 weeks ! Oh, the sacrifices we have to make...
So what'd ya think of the new CD? I'm still undecided- I like the heavy songs but the slow ones are too, what's the word I'm looking for?, DEEP maybe, for me but maybe it will grow on me in time. ISOT was by far the best IMO and I can't stop listening to it :loco:
Here' my take on the new CD. First of all I like it ALOT. Right away I really liked Touch of Blessing, Ambassador, More than Ever, and When the Walls Come Down. "Walls come down" is definitely one of those you either really like or hate. I like the songs that take a while to build up and then kick your ass at the end and that one defintitely fits that type. Let's see, I'm not a big fan of Waking up Blind or the other real soft song. Maybe they will grow on me. The two songs that have grown on me and that I like a lot now but not when I first heard them were Essence of Conviction and Harmless Wishes. Wake of the Weary is a great song. For me personally my favorites by far are Ambassador, More than Ever and Touch of Blessing...

As for comparisons to prior CD's I always have trouble stating which CD I like the most b/c they are all different. I like the heaviness of Recreation Day the most (I like the heavy guitar riffs (not solos but just the pounding guitars) in Blinded, Visions, End of Days, and Great Deceiver. I think the vocals on Inner Circle are better. Guitars in RD were better in my opinion but the album is still growing on me.

However, I think ISOT was the best blend that they did. The guitars are there, the emotion is there. Probably their most complete sounding CD. I don't know, that's my take.