
Dave lives in Aurora, which is its own town, not a part of the city proper. People from the suburbs always say that they're from Chicago. But no, Highland Park or Naperville is not the city. I'm sure anyone else who lives in a big city gets aggravated by this.

I like living here. We have Metal Haven, which is one of the best places on Earth. Bands just about always come through here on tours. The weather does not get unbearably hot or cold, and the amount of snow/rain is fair. It would be nice if we got the Olympics for 2016. More of an investment in public transportation is needed. The system is good, but it is underfunded. The state government doesn't like to do nice things for the city because representatives for morons like Krig make up most of the state assembly.
Dave lives in Aurora, which is its own town, not a part of the city proper. People from the suburbs always say that they're from Chicago. But no, Highland Park or Naperville is not the city. I'm sure anyone else who lives in a big city gets aggravated by this.
As a person from the suburbs I'll tell you why we do this. No one will have any idea of where I am from if I say I am from Arlington Massachusetts but if I say I am from Boston they will know.
How does it matter if people don't get an exact idea of where you're from? State alone should suffice. You'd have to give your exact and proper address for official stuff, shipments and inviting people over anyway.
How does it matter if people don't get an exact idea of where you're from? State alone should suffice. You'd have to give your exact and proper address for official stuff, shipments and inviting people over anyway.

Pennsylvania is a big state. I'm not from anywhere Pittsburgh or Eerie or Harrisburg or Scranton. Those places are all pretty different from where I'm from, so I tell people I'm from around Philadelphia. Lets them know I'm not from toothless country.

TIACN and his bros hanging out
How does it matter if people don't get an exact idea of where you're from? State alone should suffice. You'd have to give your exact and proper address for official stuff, shipments and inviting people over anyway.

Don't be gay.

Anyway, Chicago is awesome. Much better than shitty St. Louis where I live (or close to it). I've never been to Metal Haven but next time I'm up there I'll surely make a visit.
Dave lives in Aurora, which is its own town, not a part of the city proper. People from the suburbs always say that they're from Chicago. But no, Highland Park or Naperville is not the city. I'm sure anyone else who lives in a big city gets aggravated by this.

I like living here. We have Metal Haven, which is one of the best places on Earth. Bands just about always come through here on tours. The weather does not get unbearably hot or cold, and the amount of snow/rain is fair. It would be nice if we got the Olympics for 2016. More of an investment in public transportation is needed. The system is good, but it is underfunded. The state government doesn't like to do nice things for the city because representatives for morons like Krig make up most of the state assembly.

I am around Des Plaines. I love this area. Metal Haven is an amazing place. And Kumas Korner.

My uncle's family who live in the wherabouts, a place called Buffalo Grove

Good town.:kickass: