Chicks Growling

I dont really personally believe girls, or anyone for that matter, really needs to growl. I mean, screaming is good, but I also like some clean vocals in there. a good blend of both works very well (probably why I like Opeth so much)
Tamadrummer73 said:
I mean, screaming is good, but I also like some clean vocals in there. a good blend of both works very well.

I agree, but I do like a little growling ...not from chicks though. :lol:

So do you sing Anders?
Well there are really many bands with girls growling... Many of them are cool... I growl a little too. But if you growl - you gotta do it the right way - otherwise your throat will turn into ocean-liner funnel and voice will sound like a bear in spawning period (heck, what am I saying?)...
Ok... However some girls can growl pretty good, I'm absolutly sure that male's growling is definitely better. Its deeper, stronger and many-sided. Male's vocal chords are longer than females. Maybe it matters, maybe not.
Like any band, chick vocalists can sound terrible, mediocre at best, or friggin amazing.

I've had the pleasure of witnessing an amazing female growler (Doc from Wetwork) live, and all I can say is that the viciousness of the growls is so paradoxical compared to the fact that girls don't necessarily espouse evil like guys can. It's wicked. you see this pretty face get up on stage and the noises she makes are pure EEEEEEEEVIL.

hehe. works well for the music too. she's got a cool Schuldiner-esque high pitched growl that compliments the death metal riffage perfectly.
well, if male's vocal chords are longer (I didnt know that) that should mean that its easier to achieve low notes.
think of it as a baritone-guitar in comparison to a normal guitar
Hexer said:
well, if male's vocal chords are longer (I didnt know that) that should mean that its easier to achieve low notes.
think of it as a baritone-guitar in comparison to a normal guitar
the male voice is lower by nature. and dunno about guitars but any instrument that is longer, sounds lower.
Hexer said:
well, if male's vocal chords are longer (I didnt know that) that should mean that its easier to achieve low notes.
think of it as a baritone-guitar in comparison to a normal guitar

The deepening of the male voice is caused by thickening of the vocal cords, not lengthening. Thickening of the vocal cords is caused by the testosterone wash that is present during puberty. This is also the same reason why you'll hear female body builders that have been using steroids with deep, husky voices. Women's voices also get deeper with age as their estrogen levels decrease during and after menopause and their testosterone levels aren't being countered by the estrogen.
One thing that irritates me about death metal is the fact that bands chop and change their vocalists. The idea of a generic deathmetal growl that is replaceable is a load of crap IMO.

I want a band to be a unit. A collective of individuals working towards a combined artistic vision and not some Iron Maiden obsessed guitarist led band. Too many male guitarist led wank fests.

What ever happen to style and having a unique voice! How about this: F*ck that a mans voice box has longer vocal chord! F*ck generic growls!!! I want to here people that sound like themselves male or female and acheive a heavy sound.

I personally think that Angela Gossow sound like a man! I can't tell her sex from her vocal sound! She has an authentic heavy sound. If I put on an At The Gates CD or a Arche Enemy CD then I don't think I prefere one to the other based on if the vocal was performed by a women. If you do, then you are probably intimidated by women and you might have issues! If so then I'd advise you to get some professional help !LOL. Another thing.. growling vocals aren't only the domain of Death Metal.

DHD, so you mean that even if its growling girl should still sound likea gril? And man like a man?
Hi Neurotica,

no I'm saying that the only relevant thing is does it sound good and is it heavy. It doesn't matter if a woman sounds like a man or a man sound like a woman!

If it sounds good then it is good. Anything beyond that and you've got persopnal issues with woman which is a problem for you.

When a person expresses themself, all that matters is, does it sound good and is it expressive. Otherwise its just another copycat without heart or personal self expression. A person male or female can growl, yodel, whistle, sneeze so long as it sound good and heavy!

Hi DHD =),

I really think that growl should come natural too. I mean - not copycat, as you said. And would be not bad if it would be something interesting, special, not ordinary.
Like Job For A Cowboy or Despised Icon.
Black Core said:
the male voice is lower by nature. and dunno about guitars but any instrument that is longer, sounds lower.

hmmm... thats just what I said, right?

I dont know all that much about biology, I'm more of a technical person. I just read that comment from someone (too lazy to search the thread, sorry) about male's vocal-chords being longer and that would explain the lower voice. If some of you guys know more about the biological stuff, thats just fine

I agree though: there are a lot of vocalists out there who just kinda copy the standard. pretty few people that are INSTANTLY recognisable just by their voice
Hexer said:
I just read that comment from someone (too lazy to search the thread, sorry) about male's vocal-chords being longer and that would explain the lower voice. If some of you guys know more about the biological stuff, thats just fine

thats just what I said above =)
But member sumairetsu explained that not the length matters, but the thickness (read a few posts up).

edit: hey, I was talking about male's voice chords actually ;)
shure, Ive seen that. so if that is how it really is: no problem for me!
the length would have explained it, too. as I said: I'm not really into biology or anathomy

I dont really care if a vocalist is male or female as long as the vocals fit the music and the man/woman is good at what he/she is doing
I haven't heard any good female growlers, but I'm still a noob at metal, so that doesn't matter. In imagining what a good female metal vocal would sound like, I imagine it being higher pitched, but with a sort of witchish melodicness. Less fuzzy them a growl, and more seductive. Folkish influences to make vocals more melodic. I really don't think women belong to the stereotypical death and balck vocal styles, although they can if they want. Generally, women are better at some things, and men are better at some things. OF course. I just conjectured this whole post, so feel free to prove me wrong.
My answer to this question is, does the bitch have big tits? That's all I care about. Isn't that what really matters? Bands with chick singers/growlers all suck. If I have to be subjected to one of them I at least want to see a nice set of boobies bouncing around during the set.
^ Well if you search for tits in music (even if its a chicks growler band) - that tells about you a lot...