childhood injuries


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
what childhood injury can you remember the most clearly? or more accurately what the most prominant one in your memory?

i broke my arm in two places when i was 4 climbing of my bed hands first trying to save Ted from the sharks in the carpet.
i had to say my prayers with one hand in school - i was thee centre of attention/ridicule
ah, i once crashed with me bike into a car. I was like 11 i think and the wound was very deep. Me mate said he could see my bones, though i don't think he could. Well anyway, i still have the scar on me knee so it's easy to remember it. A few days later there was our final school vacations and i had fun.... childhood trauma :lol: just kidden wasn't that bad of course

Another 'accident' happened to me, when me neighbour (of the beast) simply hustled me down a 2 m wall. Got a scar on me nose for that. Dunno how old i was back then.
I broke me foot in about 4 places and all of my toes when my cousin pulled scaffold poles and planks onto my foot. My dad being the smart man he is just sat me in the bath and put ice in it and waited for my mum to get home from work. I just remember being really cold.
you got hit with a claw hammer - fucking hell.
i know someone who was climbing on a climbing frame when he was about 6 and tried to drop down inbetween bars but didnt check to see if his head would fit through the gap....needless to say he had to go to the hospital
I have 3 brothers and my eldest heated a pair of nail scissors in the fire till they went orange and stuck them on my hand, take note i was in a babywalker at the time and he was 9 :Shedevil: evil twat, like he never knew it was bang out of order, i still have a scissor shaped scar on me hand :erk:
i had exams when i was 13 years old. at a time me bro went to the swimming pool and i joined to have a break. after putting my swimshorts on i went to the pool. dead excited i ran onto a wall before getting in haha. lost a piece of me front tooth.

and when i was 6 years old. i had like everyone a bmx. at our home there is a little piece of cement to put the front port in so its closed. now it was fun to ride dead fast op to that bump. once i got me steer into me belly. and it caused me a 'inguinal hernia' . lol had to go to the hospital for that and received a lot of presents. :)
oh and 9 years old. i had a fight with the scumbag of me class. he hit me with the foot on me thumb. it got taped in for 3 weeks so i couldnt write. everyone had to work for me. brilliant!
lost an inch from my left index finger when i was nine, its a long story but no blades were involved just that blue plastic string thats used to wrap straw bales, but i can play my bass :D . the nail grew back though, looks like a claw when its not clipped for a while

when i was 5 i think, i was in the garden, on my knees drinking brown water from a puddle, (just thought it was something different at the time) slipped and cut my head off a sharp stone, got 2 stitches , but i can still see the scar. i remember the day so well, i was wearing a blue and red mickey mouse tshirt, and blue shorts, was a sunday. when i came back from the doc, i had big bowl of jelly and ice cream :D

never broke a bone, just lost a few things along the way :D
i also cycled over my pet dog with my raleigh burner, and got my hand caught in a rat trap, the type with the sharp teeth, was stuck in it for over an hour :(
i was eleven. the night fell and the old man lit a candle to guide us (me & my eleven year old buddies) into the forrest. the path was long, straight up, over rocks and thistles. we entered the woods when suddenly the old man disapeared... we were all alone. we heard a voice whispering we should find the red light, so the stolen souls of our ancestors would be set free again.
we ran into the darkness, and i found a way through the long grass, when suddenly this monster tried to get me, i ran for my ancestors souls and my life and all which was dear to me till i stumbled over a stone and a small crack was heard. the monster was so near now, i was afraid, but showed it my arm, which had a funny twist. the monster stopped drooling and guided me through the forrest, off the straight hills at the other side, along the old abandonned rails. i didn't drop a tear and was brought over to the hospital.

i can still make my wrist crack -hihi-
Susie said:
I have 3 brothers and my eldest heated a pair of nail scissors in the fire till they went orange and stuck them on my hand, take note i was in a babywalker at the time and he was 9 :Shedevil: evil twat, like he never knew it was bang out of order, i still have a scissor shaped scar on me hand :erk:
argh i wonder what he's up to now sue?
pagan2002 said:
argh i wonder what he's up to now sue?
Your not gonna believe this but he's a trade and standards officer and he goes around the schools giving advise to the pupils hahhahahaa :D and then he probably waits outside ready to burn them :devil:
I came off me bmx when i was learnin to ride a bike and somehow got my leg caught in the chain, cue a 5-inch gash down my calf and probably a few stitches (and a scar that ya can still see today).

other than that, i remember doing a "running backwards" race in year 6 in primary school and fell backwards and cracked my head on the concrete floor dead hard, got told by my teacher i was a scruff so i'd be alright or something, bint.