Childhood trauma


May 22, 2003
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<DreamNeon> I had two sheperds named max
<DreamNeon> one had a seizure and died
<DreamNeon> the other was on a leash on our porch, he fell and the leash hung him
<DreamNeon> I was about 7, came home from school and found him
<Wolftribe> that must have been so traumatizing
<DreamNeon> no one was home, I called my dad screaming and crying
<DreamNeon> yeah, I have scars, deep emotional <DreamNeon> after that I no longer named any pet max, that name is snake bit
* Pyrus looks at max
<Wolftribe> uh oh
<Pyrus> you're fucked, dude
<Pyrus> you're gonna lynch yourself
thats terrible..I would have been tramatized, too :erk:
my friend had a puppy that once snuck outside and followed him to his car..The kid was oblivious to this, so as the dog tried to get inside the car, the door slammed and broke it's neck.
one time when i was high some mormons came by that were about my age and one was named neal and his eyes were pretty damn pink and he had a sly smile. i think he was high too! damn mormons.