Happy fucking New Year.

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
Last night kicked ass.

I hung out with my friend Nick and this other guy named Elliot who's visiting from England, both of whom I know from another forum. We walked around Oakland and hung out at Rick Hunolt's studio.



And then I headed back to San Francisco to meet up with my friend Genevieve and her friend Dievi and drink a bunch of vodka and Wild Turkey and go to the Embarcadeo for fireworks and large crowds of people.

There was this really ghetto girl crying outside of her apartment when we were walking down Market street, and apparently her boyfriend had kicked her out of their house, so I told her to come and drink with us, and she did for a while, but then she disappeared and never came back. And then we hung out with a bunch of funny goth kids and someone on the street gave us cheesecake.


Us. Red.


That was for Eric.


And we waited like 40 fucking minutes for service at Denny's.

And then the guy whose house I was staying at turned out to be really fucking sleazy. I was asleep on his floor and woke up to find him kissing me and putting his arm around me. And he's 23. :zombie: But I was like "dude, no" and fortunately he stopped and I didn't get raped or anything. Hooray.

It was fun nonetheless. I hope that all of your nights were as triumphantly drunken as mine.
In the last pic, the person in the green jacket looks like my friend James. He also lives in SF. He goes to the Art Academy, but he's currently back home for vacation. Quite amazing, I know.
Anyway, cool pics.
Happy 2007, Isabel!
I'm really glad that guy didn't do anything to ye...geeze.

I didn't do much....I played card games at a friend's house, went outside at midnight and screamed things in my front yard/ swung a bullroarer around, and stayed up till 4am watching the dethklok marathon. yep.
I didn't drink alcohol so much as smoke weed for the entire day and then go absolutely nuts in my hostel room when my friend passed out from shrooms and started having a seizure and shortly afterwards I was screaming because I was tripping so hard while the loudest fucking fireworks ever were going off right outside my hostel in a very seedy part of town. Yep.
Wild turkey? Only people I know who drink that are totally hardcore drunks :D

Looks like you had a good time, happy new year!