

Jun 9, 2006
Most of people think that childrens are very influenced at their early age by their parents preferances (food, clothes, music..) and that it stills influencing them even when they grow up. So I'd like to know what kind of music disd ur parents listen to when u were a child , because my dad was mad about Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Hendrix and that I know how it influenced me.
And do u think that u will still loving Hard Rock and all the Metal stuffs if ur parents liked them?
my parents listen to classical music and pop music of their generation (beatles..etc..). They listened nothing even remotely close to metal or hard rock.
what i am is a total opposite of my parents (music, clothes, political stance, food.. except that i like spicy food like my mother :p, religious stance, their obsession with money and having a sure futur which i don't have..etc..) but its not to be rebelious... its just how it is, i've always been quite independant from my parents, they hardly influenced anything to me.
Weither my parents like metal or not, i'd be a metalhead now anyway.
My dad listened to all classic rock. My mom listened to Oldies. Even when I was young I remember hating Oldies music and preferring my dad's stuff. Most noteable back then I think was Guns n Roses. Not that my dad particularly worshipped them but it's the earliest memory I have of singing along to a classic rock song.

Nowadays I still very much enjoy classic rock, especially AC/DC. I've also gotten into some stuff that my dad didn't really listen to either; mostly from the corners of hair metal or glam rock such as Ratt, WASP, Cinderella, Scorpions etc.

There was for me a definite straight road from the classic rock music that I first got into to the eventual heavier metal and metal that I listen to now. Mostly it had to do with the boom of filesharing programs. I would look for songs by people I knew and would pick up other stuff along the way. I'd goto websites and just get a bunch of death metal band names and search for their music to see what I could get.
growing up, all my parents listened to wsa country and oldies. i never got into it, nno matter how much they tried to force me. i never had cable, so i literally did not even know of a rock genre until 6th grade when my friend introduced me to the offspring. i didnt like it much, but was so refreshing after a lifetime of honky tonk rubbish. no, my parents tastes had no effect on me, and i think it would be awesome if my dad would just say hey morbid angels in town, we should go check it out. i would def. continue listenin to metal
My parents listen to 50's/60's stuff, but none of us gives a flying fuck either way. I DO WHAT I WANT.

Pops and me go to records stores together. He even gave me his Harry Chapin albums and some limited edition Janis Joplin shit.
In my case it could be true.. i grew up with a dad listening to Motorhead, Ozzy osbourne, Metallica, Iron maiden.. and a mom listening to Guns'n'Roses and that kind of music.. I think thats what got me into the Metal Scene.
My parents were listening to classical music, wich i like now and i really think that they influenced me in listening that kind of music. Now for metal,well, i enjoy when theres melody and classical part so we can say that they influenced me in listening what i listen now
My dad was a hippie,
My mom listened to oldies and some disco,
My sister listens to jam bands.

How the hell did I end up listening to Death Metal?

Oh yeah it was AA!
Knarfi said:
In my case it could be true.. i grew up with a dad listening to Motorhead, Ozzy osbourne, Metallica, Iron maiden.. and a mom listening to Guns'n'Roses and that kind of music.. I think thats what got me into the Metal Scene.
Babe u've got such a chance for beeing born in such a house. I'd give five years of my live to have ur chance.:waah:
My dad listens to stuff like Iron Maiden, Metallica and Rush.

My mom on the other hand listens to the worst music imaginable. Im talking about stuff like POD, Creed and Nickleback.:(
Larsson said:
My dad listens to stuff like Iron Maiden, Metallica and Rush.

My mom on the other hand listens to the worst music imaginable. Im talking about stuff like POD, Creed and Nickleback.:(

could be worse mate, like a mom who listens trance.. or hiphop (wow does such a mom exist?)
my rents were into classical and some beatles and what not. nothign coming close metal.

but hopefully my children will be.....when i have children that is.
Xyercies said:
...but hopefully my children will be.....when i have children that is.
I agree with u about raising my childrens listening to this kind of music.
I'd also like my children to start playing guitar at an early age ( about nine months old); I know that I'm asking for too much that's cos I want them to live the life I hadn't and be as happy as possible:)
I want them to live a rock star life:kickass:
cadavria said:
I agree with u about raising my childrens listening to this kind of music.
I'd also like my children to start playing guitar at an early age ( about nine months old); I know that I'm asking for too much that's cos I want them to live the life I hadn't and be as happy as possible:)
I want them to live a rock star life:kickass:

A rockstar life doesnt have to be a happy live.. and the guitar will be twice as big as your child if he/she is 9 months old :lol: