Children of Bodom - Cover Thread


This is how I would play it.

Umm.. I know everybody always plays the first bar like this, and every tab it says that it's like this:


]But I really, really REALLY think it is like this:


What do you guys think? Am I deaf?

Yeah, you are right. Trust your ears :cool:

Could you tell me what tubes you have ? i know what type it is but i mean the brand?

i dont know what or how BUT your 87 model sounds better than my 88 model :S??:erk:

Dude, if I remember correctly he is going to college to study sound/audio engineering and he is experienced with recordings. And I DOUBT there is a HUGE difference between the 87 and 88 model, if any.
Umm.. I know everybody always plays the first bar like this, and every tab it says that it's like this:


But I really, really REALLY think it is like this:


What do you guys think? Am I deaf?

I'm sure that you're right, and if you look at Chaos Ridden Years you can see that Alexi is playing power chords in the verses and not the intro as all the tabs are done.
Yo guys, be prepared for some songs I will record the next weeks (cause if got a lot of time in my study :))

Banned from heaven


Tie my rope

Die with everything, done for nothing

Sioux City Sarsaparilla again

Are you dead yet?

We're not gonna fall

Trashed, Lost & Strungout

Punch me I bleed

I spit on your grave

Me, myself, my enemy

Laid to rest


Razorblade Romance

Edit: Could anybody plz make BTs for Tie my Rope, LoBodomy, Die with everything, We're not gonna fall and Punch me I bleed? :)
Razorblade Romance? hehe

I'm looking forward to the Sinergy ones!!

And here's my contribution for the thread this week:
Riff Of The Week - TL&S Intro - Mitch

Thanks to Ben for the amazing BT, you should definitely do MOAR!!

Or tell us how to do 'em and I'll try myself. :p

Sorry, I mean Razorblade Salvation :) (but Razorblade Romance still rulez:headbang:)
Btw. really good playing on T,L&S! I will record my version tomorrow, but I won't palm mute the Lead guitar at the beginning so hard as you did.

Btw: I spit on your grave solo (I've record it ten minutes ago... I was to lazy to go over it with a equalizer so it's not the best quality
I only palm muted that much cuz I can't play a certain part properly without mistakes. I just wanted to cover it up and I'm not great at mixing so everything seems loud so I just wanted to make it less harsh. But thanks for the comments!

Oh, I forgot about that PM. Here's the soundfonts that I use to make BT's:

There's the drum and bass one and then another called "26.1mg Christian Collins GS V1.0 Live!.sf2". That's for keyboards.

Import it to a keyboard track and then you can click the track and you'll get a pop up thing where you can select the exact same sounds as Guitar Pro 4, but of course, these are MUCH better and more realistic sounding. I made all the Blooddrunk BT's with these three soundfonts.

I'm gonna try and do a Tie My Rope one now.
@ Mitch:

Yo, big thx dude! Well, if it works and you make all Blooddrunk BT's, then I will make the missing BT's for Are you dead yet?!

@ Tim: Thx! But plz don't add it at first page, cause it was just more or less a short record test nothing else ;) Wait until I'm ready with the complete song plz.
The lead guitar at the beginning - what else? That part is a fucking hard one but not impossible ;) Their are lots of things which are harder to learn for me (except solos).

Oh and Tim... could you plz wait with standard D recordings of the week until I'm ready with my drop C recordings? Cause I don't want to re-tune my guitar before I'm ready so if the next ones will be also songs from AYDY or BD or interludes where I don't need my low E-string would be pretty cool.
Oh and Tim... could you plz wait with standard D recordings of the week until I'm ready with my drop C recordings? Cause I don't want to re-tune my guitar before I'm ready so if the next ones will be also songs from AYDY or BD or interludes where I don't need my low E-string would be pretty cool.

Sure :) The next ROTW is on friday, so you'll have plenty of time to do stuff :) I think I'll ask for a melody of some kind this week, so you don't need the 6th string ;)
...plenty of time... :) I'm not so good in learning a complete song with lead, rythm and solo guitar to make it sound perfect in one day and I have to record a lot! :) but thx! I bet you will take the WNGF interlude or the HOMT interlude :p
...plenty of time... :) I'm not so good in learning a complete song with lead, rythm and solo guitar to make it sound perfect in one day and I have to record a lot! :) but thx! I bet you will take the WNGF interlude or the HOMT interlude :p

Haha! :p We're Not Gonna Fall is an epic song! I think people who slag off AYDY need to play the songs on guitar to realise just how awesome that whole album is! :D :D