Children of Bodom - Cover Thread


I've recorded this song again. I didn't spent any focus on playing accuarcy, I just recorded it again with my lead tone cab and want to know what you think about the tone? I'm not really sure if it fits for the rythm parts but I think it sounds great for leads. I did this because I want to have nearly the same tone for rythm and lead in my next cover. I can't use my rythm tone for leads because it has too much distortion in it (can't lower the distortion) so it wouldn't sound clean

Arcane - Not My Funeral

Edit: All things I used for this tone is a Ibanez Tube Screamer, Mesa amp, my own cab. No effects, no equalizing.
*puts on flame shield*

I watched the cover, and I don't know ... how much time are you practicing? It could be the tone, it might not be, but a lot of the lead seems sloppy to me (like hitting wrong notes and style). Most of the rhythm is good, and the solo is good, too. I say it's a decent cover, but I feel like it could just be done better.

We probably have polar opposite tastes in tone, but I think yours is lacking oomph. I hardly ever say this, but I actually your tone could use more gain. What pickups are in your guitar?
In the whole lead sections I only hit 2 wrong notes... Rythm is often improvised. You must be deaf when you say that my tone could have more gain - if you mean my youtube cover. If you mean my audio file then you're right but I already said then that it's recorded with my lead tone where I only use minimal gain. I have J-50 BC in my guitar but it doesn't matter because my gainboost is on +10db

I've recorded this song again. I didn't spent any focus on playing accuarcy, I just recorded it again with my lead tone cab and want to know what you think about the tone? I'm not really sure if it fits for the rythm parts but I think it sounds great for leads. I did this because I want to have nearly the same tone for rythm and lead in my next cover. I can't use my rythm tone for leads because it has too much distortion in it (can't lower the distortion) so it wouldn't sound clean

Arcane - Not My Funeral

Edit: All things I used for this tone is a Ibanez Tube Screamer, Mesa amp, my own cab. No effects, no equalizing.

yeah i like your tone maybe a little little bit more gain ...when you record do you have try to double tracking each rythm guitar track ??
Awesome cover Mr. only complaint is that you need to put your cat in some of your videos.

Love the tone.....deff does not need more gain...more gain = more mush....the less the better IMO as long as you can keep the tone tight and the notes have good sustain.
Awesome cover Mr. only complaint is that you need to put your cat in some of your videos.

Love the tone.....deff does not need more gain...more gain = more mush....the less the better IMO as long as you can keep the tone tight and the notes have good sustain.


@ninja... I think it's not really less gain. Their must be another thing. It's something with the cab I think.
Arcane,i've alrady asked you before I think but which programme do you use to create your video? I mean i'm looking for something which allows me to put more video together in one.