Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Just learned the Ugly solo! Woot! So fun! Some sort of partial Ugly cover preview thingy coming soon, probably like 2:40 - 3:48 since that's all the chunks I can play; the rest of the song is still a mystery to me <_<

I'm also thinking - should we maybe restart the weekly recording challenge thing we used to do, now that the new album's here? Once the tabs are more or less finalized, of course. Could be fun.

@John: I like the video a lot, but I hafta agree with everyone, too much hall...
So should we start it? Any suggestions? Right now I think so far there are more or less complete tabs of RTHAB, RRF, Ugly, COTN and WIWI, correct me if I'm wrong.

Not My Funeral solo : D

I just recorded this earlier today. Sorry, I did it with my shit $75 line 6 practice amp (but tone is in the hands, remember that kids) and desktop mic and I know the guitar isn't loud enough. But let the challenge begin, eh? When I was re-recording for better quality I got mad and popped a string so if I can get to guitar center today or tomorrow I'll redo it.

I'm probably going to choose this song to cover legitly as soon as a tab gets finalized. It takes me literally fucking forever to record and edit a cover to the quality I want it at... maybe because I'm using a shit software (goldwave). Anyone have any suggestions for an editing program?
I D/L reaper and it seems to be pretty good so that I mean I haven't spent a lot of time with it, but it does seem very user friendly.
Reaper is the best free-program I know.

About your recording... It is really hard your playing but to be honest: I think it could sound really good when you have the right gear and software. I tried to recorded it too. I used one of my older guitars for it and I only did 2 takes because I have to go to work now. So sound is shit and beginning is not really in time FIles/NMF.mp3
@Norbix: An easy solution for medium-quality recording would be getting a cheap-o effects pedal or something like that, with a USB interface. Doesn't give you studio-quality sound, but sounds way better than recording through a tiny amp.

As for the playing, what Arcane said. It sounds clean but it's hard to make out the details. Your guitar sounds like it's tuned a tad flat, but that may be just cause the MIDI in GP always sounds weird.
Reaper is the best free-program I know.

About your recording... It is really hard your playing but to be honest: I think it could sound really good when you have the right gear and software. I tried to recorded it too. I used one of my older guitars for it and I only did 2 takes because I have to go to work now. So sound is shit and beginning is not really in time FIles/NMF.mp3

Fuck, it may be a bit out of sync at the begining, but great playing dude!
Awesome cover! Not My Funeral solo

Hey people, I need some opinions. Download this short clip and answer a few questions, would you please.. : )

It's a short clip of SKO. Yes, it's all in drop D and not drop C .. the main axe is getting a setup, so I used my god awful $200 ESP that I'm not tuning down : ). But I want some opinions on the tone, because I think I may have finally gotten everything settled with recording and producing. Is it too bassy? Is it too creamy.. like, should I add some presence? Basically any kind of opinions would be groovy before I start getting down to business.
I'm not using different tones for lead and rhythm. I don't know what impulse files are, but I'm using a Line 6 pod. What don't you like about the tone? It's probably too loose, needs more presence I suppose .. emulating Alexi's tone on this album is really fucking tough. It's so aggressive and smooth at the same time
I can't really tell... It's just that I don't really like it, albeit the lead guitar sounds good with this setting. But I was never a big fan of all Line6 products, especially the early Spider amps and the POD's...

Maybe it would sound better if your mix would be better. You definitely need some compression, stereo and equalizing in it. The whole thing sounds like when the music is in another room with a closed door between you and the music