Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Hi guys. Long time no post on the forums.. Anyway, here's a cover of FtR I recently recorded, yes I know atleast the leads are a bit sloppy, but feel free to comment on anything you like/dislike..

That was fuggin awesome!! I love that song and the tone form it is prob my fav ever, and you pretty much got it it seems. Hard to tell at work with my shitty speakers.

Love the Pinch Harmonic @ it just me or are all g-string PH the best sounding ever? Something about doing them on that string that drives me nuts. Actually not sure if thats the string you do the harmonic on but that's the string I use at home to do it for this song at that part
All harmonics are on g-string. They sound best because the string is thin enough to achive a really high tone and the vibrato is easier than on thicker strings. Can't do them pretty good on the b-string though because it often happens that my vibrato is so wide that the string goes over the neck.
Just curious - how come with your latest covers you've been playing over the mp3 rather than recording from scratch? I haven't heard Knuckleduster in a while, forgot how cool it is. Need to re-acquire that shit on my hard drive.

I had to re-install W7, haven't installed SD and EWQL Hardcore Bass yet, need to download EWQL Harmonic Orchestra first and then I'm doing backing tracks again. But it's always a lot of time I need for one BT so I don't know if I'm really doing them again. Will record my next cover over a BT which I had made before I re-installed W7...
My cover of Shovel Knockout! Tell me what you think.

Wow that's an awesome cover!
Hey just wondering...On your Loomis C7 FR, are you able to palm mute your second string easily? because I can't! And is your tremolo really hard? Like... can you make the chirp sound like Laiho's? I'm asking those questions because I have the same guitar as you.
Great covers to you three!

Arcane, great tone on this one, really liked it, and nice to see somebody picking up Knuckleduster ;)

Altitudes, weird because of the tuning but really great cover, great playing and indeed thumbs up for the key solo on the guitar.

Drawnacrol, even if you don't think so, really solid playing, great job.