Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Solid job... you played by tabs or ear? I'm so amateur I could never figure on my own the crazy stuff like using right hand middle finger...
For me I think it's hard to decipher whether fast notes ascend or descend in pitch sometimes... I think it takes getting acquainted at.
The Solo at 1:58 really sounds Alexi old Guitar Setup (Lee Jackson GP-1000)
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What do you think of this performance? The kid recently turned eleven.

Video was recorded during the finals of the SENA Young Talent Guitar Awards, which he won. The entire performance (10 minutes, including What Lies Beneath by Andy James) can be seen here:

In past two years Thaddie has been playing songs by Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Bullet For My Valentine, but right now he's completely into Children Of Bodom.

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Damn, I love this kid, I bet he's glad for having discovered Bodom.

Still, why so many great players in the world, who can't make interesting music themselves?
He's not the best player but and he still needs to learn a lot (especially the lead parts which are horrible) but - OMG!1!!!11 - he's just 11 years old. So respect for his actual skills.
I wish someone introduced guitar to me when I was young. Kids can learn pretty much anything at a very high level when they're young. I was insanely good at piano and trumpet but only played because my parents made me and didn't pick up a guitar until I was like 17.

I can sort of understand, though. First learning guitar is super frustrating and even painful.

Surprised Joonas didn't comment on the kid playing trash COB.
The solo parts especially in this song are damn boring and shit, but he still had the persistency to learn them, which is impressive.

It's weird he didn't play SNBN. What kind of a choice is this song. You could win such a competition with most COB tracks tho.
I wish someone introduced guitar to me when I was young. Kids can learn pretty much anything at a very high level when they're young. I was insanely good at piano and trumpet but only played because my parents made me and didn't pick up a guitar until I was like 17.

I was 1:1 in the same situation. Just without the trumpet. But that piano/parents/guitar stuff is the same. Even the age is the same. Ok: I started playing piano when I was 6 and played for almost 9 years. You?
It's official, I'm not playing ever again.

Oh and Joonas, that guy actually used to post here on the forum under basically the same name, Flappy, and yes, he is pretty skilled and makes it sound very cool.
I was 1:1 in the same situation. Just without the trumpet. But that piano/parents/guitar stuff is the same. Even the age is the same. Ok: I started playing piano when I was 6 and played for almost 9 years. You?

Hmm... It's hard to remember. I played piano while I was in elementary school (grade 1-8). Start trumped grade 4 as well and joined advanced band 2 years early, but then I didn't play anything in high school for 3 years and then picked up guitar towards the end. Then I learned guitar in the university dorm playing on a few times a week just jamming to COB. Not sure if I'd have gotten good if I didn't discover COB, because if you play enough of COB you'll get good eventually I think. No need to practice scales on metronome if you can just load up a COB guitar pro tab, put it on 50/75% and put the metronome on there.