Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

I think he was on this forum some years ago.

Here's some classy covers, awesome sound and visuals and playing.

Awesome playing :lol: That guy plays sloppy as fuck! I stoped watching Downfall after 10 seconds because I know the rest of the song won't be better when the intro is played wrong. Switching to solos in both songs proved me right. ^^

That Harry Potter guy is really good. I know him for a longer time now.
Sloppy as fuck? I think the ETID cover is 100% perfect played. Maybe his finger moist level wasn't exactly correct on one solo note?
Well, I think there will always be a different of people and their thinking of what is played good and what not. I'm an advanced player and made the tab for that song so I can tell you it isn't perfect. I remember that we had this discussion before (not sure if it was you though) but it's a difference if people can play a song or can really play a song. Really playing a song means for me playing a song without any wrong (or not more than 1 or 2) notes and clean. But this guy can only play this song if you knwo what I mean. The intro sounds horrible, the first sweeps sound horrible, pinch harmonics sound horrible, the short lead bit before the bridge 's got some mistakes, solo is not the best (especially the faster parts) and so on...
Playing a song correct, note for note, is great and all, but that's just boring. One
should add some new style at the very least in the solo... You're not improving your own style if you hold back from interpreting the music. Playing perfect shows technical ability and professionalism, playing and adding to the song shows ingenuity.

Aforementioned videos( downfall, ETID) lack both qualities.
Well, I'd still publish a cover if I could do that.

But I know what Arcane means. Take for example a band like the one in my sig, they play a slow type of melodic doom metal, where the feeling in your playing is more important than ever, people would think it's easy when looking at it as guitar pro notes but to acclimatize the feeling into the technique is a different story.
Well, I think there will always be a different of people and their thinking of what is played good and what not. I'm an advanced player and made the tab for that song so I can tell you it isn't perfect. I remember that we had this discussion before (not sure if it was you though) but it's a difference if people can play a song or can really play a song. Really playing a song means for me playing a song without any wrong (or not more than 1 or 2) notes and clean. But this guy can only play this song if you knwo what I mean. The intro sounds horrible, the first sweeps sound horrible, pinch harmonics sound horrible, the short lead bit before the bridge 's got some mistakes, solo is not the best (especially the faster parts) and so on...

Agreed 100%. Dude is sloppy, especially during the leads for sure. Good tone though.
What, you get worried someone in the world is gonna look at his video and think it's perfect, while he's really just a pussy cos Arcane and Warheart can play some of the shit more clean? Just quit being a bitch and make a better cover for said songs.
Playing sloppy isn't "adding style", it's playing sloppy.

I didn't say sloppy added something to the song, in fact it's the polar opposite, as we all know. But going for something original while doing covers should be the main goal in my opinion. Personally I don't enjoy listening to just a re-enactment of a musical piece. If I want to hear how a song is played, I just listen to the original version.

I think people have this thought of making covers is just about playing the song note for note, and that's all there is to it. So there is no room for adding a personal touch.

All in all, this, as many matters concerning music, depends on personal preference, which is something you cannot argue about, at least not without losing your hair.
Sloppy has nothing to do playing a cover note for note. You can be adding your own twist to a song, but sloppy playing will always be sloppy playing. My personal take on covers is to play the right notes, but make it your own through the way you play (bends, vibrato, etc).

The thing about it is once you get to a high level of playing sloppy playing is super noticeable to your ears. Half of the covers that Joonas posts that he thinks are awesome I think are shit, but I don't really say anything these days. Personally, I hear the tones, the playing, and the presentation and I don't really listen to more than a few seconds because I'd be forcing myself to. I just watched that ETID cover and I'd be embarrassed to post it because the solo playing is honestly shit.

I don't even know the point of these youtube covers, really. This one is just another in the sea of COB covers with Alexi guitar, sloppy playing, and a wristband.

Videos like that guy playing all of the leads are awesome because 1) he's being original by playing an original composition of a COB album in one take 2) unique presentation with the background 3) and important to me is that the guy is just being himself and not trying to look like Alexi.
I guess it's better to never become a great player because after that 99,9% of guitar covers sound annoying and wrong. For me it's great when a cover adds its own taste to the song and a good sound, for me most of time the sloppiness of the playing hasn't been overpowering to the enjoyment, unless a very important part of a song is fucked up. The interesting bit of the covers is to discover new interesting ways to play a nice part in a song. Majority of people can't play a guitar as good as Alexi to begin with, but covers that sound 100% same as Alexi and have a worse sound than on the album, there's nothing for me to enjoy about such covers.
No, you understand it wrong. It's not that they are bad players, they just should play something easier. If you have the right technique, people can see if you are a good player or not. Even if you do mistakes. 4 examples: Watch that Hatebreeder lead compilation or some other videos of Mitch. He's playing ist not 100% correct be he's got an awesome technique and he can play clean. Or take the guy with those solo compilation as an example. He also did mistakes and played some wrong notes here and there but everybody can tell that this guy is an awesome guitarist and has a great technique. RedSgShredder plays really sloppy IMO and his improvements are way too much but I think that's just because he was too lazy to learn any Bodom song correct. But he's also a great guitarist with a really good technique. Or Alexi... during the last years he played a lot of gigs but his playing was really sloppy in some songs an he plays a lot of wrong notes. Especially between 2008-2011 his playing was partly horrible but he has an awesome technique and everybody knows that he's one of the best guitarists out there.
dude,,, thats SO NOT atractive for an female. she scares the shit out of me.. :( !
i bet she's got a dick !

im sorry it doesnt affect how it sounds, for that mathers its sounding all very good