Children of Bodom in Norwich and Manchester!


New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2009
DHP Concerts Presents
+ Special Guests Cannibal Corpse

15th Feb - Norwich UEA
16th Feb - Manchester Academy

Formed in 1993 in the city of Espoo, Finland, this young Finnish group took their name from one of the biggest murder mysteries in the history of their home town and Finnish crime: the murders at Lake Bodom. After starting out as a trash-metal combo, the founding members Alexi Laiho (guitars and vocals), Jaska Raatikainen (drums), Henkka Seppälä (bass) and Alexander Kuoppala (guitars) soon found elements of classic heavy metal creeping into their music. After keyboardist Janne Wirman joined, they honed their combination of old school black metal, classic heavy, and death metal vocals into the sharpest instrument of its kind.

Even more technical and more unforgiving than any of Children of Bodom’s earlier albums, Blooddrunk shows the raw side of Alexi Laiho. No mercy given, no easy routes chosen, the whole album is pure death, terror and murder from the beginning until its end. Children of Bodom have come a long way since their humble beginnings, and today stand tall in the all time extreme metal hall of fame, commanding the respect and awe of both fans and colleagues alike. Children of Bodom have been hugely influential and still, eight years down the road east and west alike, remain leaders in the genre.

Tickets Available From:
Box Office - 08713 100 000
f**k, i only just found out, im attending manchester. the upgrade is f**king ace.