Children Of Bodom to play @ Download Festival, UK [2008]

As I was saying, the other two times that I've been have been awesome for me.

At Download, I've seen:

Arch Enemy
Avenged Sevenfold
Black Sabbath
Bullet For My Valentine
In Flames
Lamb Of God
Stone Sour
Strapping Young Lad
Velvet Revolver
Wednesday 13

And more.

I think for 2 years in total, that's pretty fuckin' good.

I'm not saying everyone here should like them, I'm not saying that I listen to them now, but back then, that was one of the highlights of my year!!!
One of my mates likes offspring:rolleyes: so he might go.. ill probably go to see Bodom... i was there a few years ago when it was metallica, slayer, slipknot etc that was quite good.. the fucking bottle fight before tallica came on was pretty funny.. started off with water.. then piss in bottles.. an then stones.. it was like glad i wasnt hit by any :lol:

The Offspring, Kiss, Bodom and Him together. I couldn't think of a weirder combo, :lol: Even though I liked Offspring a lot back in the days a`nd Bodom is my all time fav band, there's no way I'll go there. Wacken is no bad this year tho.
Download is fucking shit, anyone who says otherwise is, in fact, a liar. There is actually no way of arguing with that, unless of course you haven't been to a metal festival, or any good festival. The people are disgusting, as already pointed out, the only people who like metal are all retarded Slayer fans, the rest of the people aren't there for the music, and by music I mean bands that aren't signed to 40 days of Night records. As much as I support everything Bodom do, there is no fucking way I'm going to ever waste my money on this 'festival' again, I think I'll just play a Funeral for a Friend album really loud, and put up a mile high sign saying 'CUNTS COME HERE' instead, much cheaper.

I'd have to disagree with you there. I have been to metal festivals, and festivals in general in fact, all over the world. I enjoy Download every year. Parts of it can suck, other parts can be fucking awesome.

How can you say that anyone with a different opinion to yourself is a liar? Thats like saying "You're opinion is WRONG!" , which is the most ridiculous thing you can say.
People are entitled to their own opinions and it doesnt mean that they are a LIAR just because they like something that you dont.

The only people that like metal are all retarded slayer fans? Okay well first of all I think that is completely incorrect.
1, slayer are awesome and I dont think theres anything particularly retarded about their fans.
And 2, there are loads of people there that like metal (otherwise they wouldnt go to the festival), and not all of them like slayer....But, nevertheless, your generalisation of metal fans is mildly entertaining, if nothing else.

If you would rather play a Funeral for a Friend album than go to Download, thats your choice. I'm amused that you own a Funeral for a Friend album in the first place....

Still, I'll let you off because you are pretty good looking ;)

Have a nice day.

See you at Astoria I expect.
Exactly, which is why I hate being squashed up at gigs.

Thank god your heroes are standing right infront of you playing your favourite shit. :kickass:
Ive been a fan of bodom for a while seen them live a bunch of times, not even hardcore dancers piss me off more than Bodom fans, total fucking lack of respect for everything/generally stupid and arrogant.


Which is why i can't wait to see Nevermore live (if they EVER tour again). The lyrics are way too intellectual for you're average retard metalhead to enjoy :lol:
Yer right bout the slayer fans they all seem to be fat kerry king wannabes xD sorry if i offend ppl.. but kiss an motorhead.. will be good for shits an giggles when im hammered out my face.. only going for the bodom factor! still deciding about wacken this year.. me and the gf aint sure..
Despite the fact I dont have a problem with Download, I dunno if Im gonna go this year....definately going to wacken though - that really is gonna be fucking amazing.
Anyone here went to download? got any vids/pics you can share? I can't find any decent videos or anything from their set at download..
I only found this:
