Children Of Bodom VS. Cradle Of Filth

Hatecrew all the way. CoF isnt as bad as most people say, they got very good lyrics for instance, and quite decent music. I cant stand this evil, antichrist image they project though.. and all the evil teeny fans that brings along.. bah.
And CoB simply pwns j00. Period :p
I dont mind cradle at all. I have a couple of their cd's. but this is fucking CoB we are talking about here!!! sweet christ people.........CoB the greatest band of all time!!!!!!!!!
HOW can you compare CoB to Cradle of Filth??????

That's just wrong... we all know CoB is nothing like CoF (and plus CoB's better in my opinion ;) ) It's just... wrong! lol.
Bodom of course, I have no problem with Cradle.

Pretty obvious who's going to win..:rolleyes: