Ghost of Bodom: WOOOOOAAAAHHHHH!!!!! COF are also my fave band! They're the best metal band out there! THEy're a billion times better thhann Bodom and Bodom's average compared to them.

The thing with Dani's vocals is that people will extreemely love it or extremely hate it. Anyway, his vocals fuckin kick ass. That's the most original, brutal, screetchy vocals i'v ever heard.
Lady_Laiho said:
The thing with Dani's vocals is that people will extreemely love it or extremely hate it. Anyway, his vocals fuckin kick ass. That's the most original, brutal, screetchy vocals i'v ever heard.
You forgot to mention annoying.
^His vocals are original. Most of all those underground black metal bands like Sargeist, Leviathan, and Ancient have all the same vocals and have the same amount of distortion some or than others, but Dani's is differnt. It stands out from the rest. OUt of all those bands, you can alwayz tell when it's his probably cuz of all the shrieks and certain kind of growling. Then there is a lot of variation most of the time and on each album there is something new.