
I want kids I want 2 boys girls seem more hard work where as lads all you have to really do is stop them eating too much mud and teach them how to play football rugby and eventually what a condom is. I dont want kids till im 30 ish?
hahaha yeah thats my plan wait till I can afford to make sumone else look after my kid. then give birth. speaking of which Id need sonme serious drugs to get through that experience.
bleed_black_orchid said:
hahaha yeah thats my plan wait till I can afford to make sumone else look after my kid. then give birth. speaking of which Id need sonme serious drugs to get through that experience.
You most certainly will need drugs and lots of them :yell:
ahhh the joys of childbirth numbed to a blur with painkillers and epidurals. Lets be honest though Im gonna have a Cazearean (cant spell) I dont think I could cope with squeezing something the size of a water melon out of well you know what I mean.

Infact the whole thing scares me now. forget having kids Ill adopt. unless they come up with someway of the fella giving birth. Then Im up for having twins.
bleed_black_orchid said:
ahhh the joys of childbirth numbed to a blur with painkillers and epidurals. Lets be honest though Im gonna have a Cazearean (cant spell) I dont think I could cope with squeezing something the size of a water melon out of well you know what I mean.

Infact the whole thing scares me now. forget having kids Ill adopt. unless they come up with someway of the fella giving birth. Then Im up for having twins.
You have the right idea mate, go for triplets if men ever give birth :devil:
i would love to see mick shit a watermelon cos thats what it feels like :yell: :cry: :cry:
i have an 8 year old sister and im 21. so i've seen her grow up quite well and i think i know the difficulties of raising a child. but raising a child is not all difficulties, sleepless nights and shitty diapers.

i'll never forget the first day when my sister smiled for the first time. many people claim that the first words are very majestic and legendary moments, but i think this is much cooler.

until that time, she was only eating, crying, taking shits and piss. but one day, my mother called me and told me to take a look. when i was calling her name she was looking at me and smiling. a moment of pure happiness. it was pure. it isnt like anything so the ones who say they dont want any kids and that, shut your mouths and wait. you never know what time will bring and what beautiful things it holds for you.

there was one other thing, too. i'll also never forget the look on my mother's face when she held my sister in her hands for the first time in the hospital. nothing can describe it.

im sure of one thing. i want to have a kid (or two) if i find the right mother. until them im happy with them being as girlfriends. whenever a depressed person comes up and says that life is not worth living or asks what is there to live for, i always say the same thing: being a father.

so those of you who have children, tell some of your similar moments. susie, mick, ikeaboy, do you have any?
Thats a sweet story don :) i remember the time when i was giving birth and i was in total and utter pain, a doctor appeared and stuck his fingers up me front mantrap trying to feel baby's head then another guy appeared and said " i need to give you a quick examination" then another guy appeared and spoke something to the nurse, then he started to have a feel too, in the end mick thought there was someone outside the delivery room handing out a set of blue theatre overalls, saying " hey put this on and have a feel of that birds miff " hahahaa.

No there has been lots of times were mick and i have just been buzzing with him, he is a sound lad dead funny and i mean dead funny like, he does an ace bo selecta impression now :D when he was born mick cut the cord and fed him i was too fucked to move :erk: then we just sat on the bed staring at him o_O he is proper bo to me :cool:
When I learned my sister was gonna have a baby I went :mad: but really, nothing like usual sister-sister arguments but I almost hated her, cause she wouldn't tell us, but by the time she got in hospital we were all worried and that. When I first saw the baby it was strange, his eyes didn't look like they do now, they looked somehow too wise, he didn't give a noise or anything. There were complications at the birth, so my sister was fucked up until some black doctor came and noticed her haematoma in the womb and they took her to the intensive care ward. All the time the baby looked dead serious and silent.
yeah that wise look babies have is weird... perhaps we're just born wise and it goes down from then on...
i had to get used to my brothers kids but now they're lovely, probably because they now can talk and waggle around and stuff, before that they're a bit dull
i think i want kids. but not now :) i'm just not sure about the husband part
Yeah, definitely :) I want a girl, that's all, but I'd like to get her ready-made, at the age of 2 (at least).

Just yesterday I saw a father with two daughters, one of them was about 12, very beautiful, blonde, the other about 9-10, beautiful too, but brown and short haired. I hated the way how the father dedicated all his attention to the elder one and the little one was hopping around them, and when they went down the stairs the father put his arm on the bigger one's shoulder and the little one, who wanted some attention too, looked back sponkey eyed. I was :mad: and :ill: at that, could've kicked the father. But what can you do?
about the wise look..its a bit same with dead people.i think newborn and dead people have someting in common, like some anchient wisdom or something..