Choose a weapon for the person above you...

A laser-equipped Rubber Duck of DOOOOOOOOOM. Aiming might be a bit tricky but hey, the awesomeness of the weapon itself would defeat anything!
The Ümalüt of Døøm; direct exposure to which causes the viewer to go insane due to the sheer intensity of the exposure to the grim darkness of Nordic black metal.
Yes; the markets tremble at the timing of my stop-loss orders

Hmmm...for the aboot the Hockey-Stick of Loki, eh?
The Monitors of Mass Depression for Cipher. It forces your opponents to hang themselves from teenage angst or the sheer pain of hearing such horrible tunes by playing My Chemical Romance. At full blast. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just make sure that you are well out of the weapon's range before deploying it.