Chris Salinas joins another band.....

Dave - Power of Omens

some guitar player
Aug 13, 2002
Dallas, TX USA
Chris Salinas has now become an official member of the Houston, TX Queensryche tribute band​

While the rest of Power of Omens works on the re-release of "Eyes of the Oracle" and finishes writing material for the new CD, Chris will keep his singing chops up by performing for Mindcrime. Which will prepare him and keep his voice warmed and ready to go for when it comes time to laying his tracks down for the new CD, as well as performing with Power of Omens in next year's shows after the new release.​
As show date become available for Mindcrime, we will post them on our website... make sure you check them out when you can.​
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, I might as well confess that I'm looking at a side project too...I was originally hoping to put together an Earth, Wind and Fire tribute band, but having problems locating other members that share my same wonderous vision...

So now, I've decided to start a Fastway tribute project...we'd play "Say What you Will" over and over for 45 mins to an hour, then for an encore, we'd go all crazy like with some word play and change the chorus to "Say What you WON'T "!!! F'ng CrAzY!!!!. I'm certain this would be a real crowd pleaser!

Wish me luck guys!


Chris H

Oh, and Good Luck to Salinas as well...o_O
Chris H. -Power of Omens said:
So now, I've decided to start a Fastway tribute project...we'd play "Say What you Will" over and over for 45 mins to an hour, then for an encore, we'd go all crazy like with some word play and change the chorus to "Say What you WON'T "!!! F'ng CrAzY!!!!. I'm certain this would be a real crowd pleaser!

Wish me luck guys!


Chris H

LMAO!!!! :lol:

Yes.... GOOD LUCK indeed!!!!! ;)
