Christcore is not Metal.

May 5, 2002
New York
That's right, Christcore, (like Hardcore) is not metal.

Now why isn't it metal? Because metal, when it originally started, did not preach utter submission of the will, which is what Christianity absolutely is.

Metal ideology was (note the past tense) the idea that embraced the individual and also embraced elitism. Basically ruling one's life, according to Metal ideology, was only the choice of the individual himself, NOT some long-dead martyr's posthumously written scriptures.

Now people might say; "Well what if the individual chooses to be Chrsitian?" I'll say it right now, submitting one's self to some "higher power" is NOT individualism.

Not that christians should not make metal, some do it good (Blind Guardian, Helloween, Death) but to include the ideology in the lyrics is just dispicable.

side note: "christcore" is not only a derogatory name for christian "metal", but an actual hardcore/emocore subgenre, that also really sucks.
i think all music should be without a message. i dont care what people have to say. but for the record. one of my favorite bands, extol, are christian but are brutal as FUCK! and i cant wait to see them on the 21st
ProphesizedDoom said:
That's right, Christcore, (like Hardcore) is not metal.

Now why isn't it metal? Because metal, when it originally started, did not preach utter submission of the will, which is what Christianity absolutely is.

Metal ideology was (note the past tense) the idea that embraced the individual and also embraced elitism. Basically ruling one's life, according to Metal ideology, was only the choice of the individual himself, NOT some long-dead martyr's posthumously written scriptures.

Now people might say; "Well what if the individual chooses to be Chrsitian?" I'll say it right now, submitting one's self to some "higher power" is NOT individualism.

heh, where do you want to take this thread? (hopefully this won't start a flame war). I guess what you're saying is that every ''metal'' band that preaches their beliefs (in this case, christian beliefs) is not metal, am I right?

(Pardon me if i'm asking something stupid, it's pretty damn late already)
Ultimate_Symphony said:
heh, where do you want to take this thread? (hopefully this won't start a flame war). I guess what you're saying is that every ''metal'' band that preaches their beliefs (in this case, christian beliefs) is not metal, am I right?

(Pardon me if i'm asking something stupid, it's pretty damn late already)

No, I'm saying that bands who preach beliefs that happen to be contradictory to the "Metal" life-style are not Metal themselves.

Oh, and Extol are really gay, I'm sorry, but I literally fell to the floor laughing when I read their lyrics, this also goes for Mortification and Believer.
once agian, fuck lyrics. who cares what a band fuckin says! the MUSIC is good and thats all that matters!
Thanatopsis123 said:

That was the gayest cop-out ever.

Damn... I'll explain since you obviously need the step by step explaining...

I posted my initial post because I had an opinion and felt it needed to be stated, which, like your post, was an opinion you felt needed to be stated.

Get it now? Or would you prefer the unabridged version?
genocide roach said:
once agian, fuck lyrics. who cares what a band fuckin says! the MUSIC is good and thats all that matters!

Now this is where you're wrong, it's not all that matters.

In example, you cannot have Satanic Gospel with the music remaining in the Gospel genre.
Are you talking about Withe-metal and that stuff???... becose if you are talking about withe metal, then i think you are wrong. For me, metal can talk about everything it wants, the music its what defines metal as a music genre.
ProphesizedDoom said:
No, I'm saying that bands who preach beliefs that happen to be contradictory to the "Metal" life-style are not Metal themselves.

K, I see what you're saying. I don't think we should confine the genre to one (original) ideology or even style. As you may know, metal has evolved a lot throughout the years. From bands like Maiden, we know have bands like Cryptopsy and Exhumed, and all of them are still considered metal. I think this applies to ideologies and beliefs. Christian beliefs may be contradictory to the metal life-style (actually, it is), but it's all part of the evolution of the music and it's fans. Those guys (christian bands) may not be metal image or personality wise, but they are pretty much metal music wise. Anyway, do you really give that much credit to the ''metal'' lifestyle?
Ultimate_Symphony said:
K, I see what you're saying. I don't think we should confine the genre to one (original) ideology or even style. As you may know, metal has evolved a lot throughout the years. From bands like Maiden, we know have bands like Cryptopsy and Exhumed, and all of them are still considered metal. I think this applies to ideologies and beliefs. Christian beliefs may be contradictory to the metal life-style (actually, it is), but it's all part of the evolution of the music and it's fans. Those guys (christian bands) may not be metal image or personality wise, but they are pretty much metal music wise. Anyway, do you really give that much credit to the ''metal'' lifestyle?

Ok, but now my main question.

While preaching contradictory beliefs (life-style) to metal, while playing metal-like music, are you still metal?

Well, let's take it like this...

Metal, like religion is a lifestyle, so let Metal = Religion X = - Religion Y

Now, I'm preaching Religion X and living by the beliefs of Religion X, but recently I started preaching my beliefs in Religion X through a music-style which has a strict Religion Y life-style, which as stated, is in opposition to Religion X. Now since I'm playing Religion-Y's music-style, yet preaching Religion X, does this make my particular groups music Religion-Y music?
ProphesizedDoom said:
No, I'm saying that bands who preach beliefs that happen to be contradictory to the "Metal" life-style are not Metal themselves.


The metal lifestyle is defined by the lifestyle of those who listen to or play metal.

A band's metalness is not defined by their lifestyle.

You're looking at it all backwards.

If metal is all about individuality, how is a choice to not fit the metal confines... unmetal?
ProphesizedDoom said:
Ok, but now my main question.

While preaching contradictory beliefs (life-style) to metal, while playing metal-like music, are you still metal?

Well, let's take it like this...

Metal, like religion is a lifestyle, so let Metal = Religion X = - Religion Y

Now, I'm preaching Religion X and living by the beliefs of Religion X, but recently I started preaching my beliefs in Religion X through a music-style which has a strict Religion Y life-style, which as stated, is in opposition to Religion X. Now since I'm playing Religion-Y's music-style, yet preaching Religion X, does this make my particular groups music Religion-Y music?

I would say no, music is music and we put lyrics to it. That said, I don't think lyrics (or ideologies) should dictate what type of music you play or how your music is classified. I'll follow my post with one of yours:

In example, you cannot have Satanic Gospel with the music remaining in the Gospel genre.

If my definition is right, I suppose gospel music is every type of music that preaches beliefs in a god. Well, i've heard a lot of genres merged with gospel music. From salsa to rap and from metal to pop. Now, if you preach your beliefs in your music, but you're playing pop music, you're still pop (with christian lyrics). The original metal bands (as long as I know) did not follow any type of satanic cults and right now we have bands that have satanic beliefs, and yet they are considered metal. Although that wouldn't be a good point to add, because as long as I know satanism teaches one to be indivual (if someone knows more about satanism, feel free to correct me).
ProphesizedDoom said:
That's right, Christcore, (like Hardcore) is not metal.

Now why isn't it metal? Because metal, when it originally started, did not preach utter submission of the will, which is what Christianity absolutely is.

I think that would depend on the "type" of Christian you ask.

Metal ideology was (note the past tense) the idea that embraced the individual and also embraced elitism. Basically ruling one's life, according to Metal ideology, was only the choice of the individual himself, NOT some long-dead martyr's posthumously written scriptures.

"Original metal" would be to me, Black Sabbath and they often use religious topics in their music.

Now people might say; "Well what if the individual chooses to be Chrsitian?" I'll say it right now, submitting one's self to some "higher power" is NOT individualism.

So in other words, anyone that has the basic belief that Jesus Christ was alive at one point, is the son of God and he is the key to eternal salvation etc. etc. which is what I have learned is the basis of Christianity lacks any sense of individuality ?
I don't know what Christcore is, nor do I particularly like hard-core (to me punk mixed with metal) but I damned sure won't lower myself as to go out of my way to lump such a large mass of people ie "Christians" as not being indivdualistic. I take each individual by his/her own merits and the sooner you learn to do the same, the better your life will be.

genocide roach said:
i think all music should be without a message. i dont care what people have to say. but for the record. one of my favorite bands, extol, are christian but are brutal as FUCK! and i cant wait to see them on the 21st

I think an art form as great and diverse as "metal" is has plenty of room for bands that have messages and bands that do not.

This will turn into quite a thread, long time since i've seen one of these.

@bryant- I don't think it's derogatory to say christians are not individualistic. Christians (or religious people) often rely on a god, while individualistic people rely on themselves (their own logic and opinions, not what a book or god says) and i'm not even looking at the bigger picture. I would say no one is 100% individualistic.
if metal is about individualism then i think someone can be whatever they want to be, hindu, christian, buddhist, etc. i dont think it matters what type of person you are to listen/create metal. I like metal and enjoy my individualism but am still a christian. i dont live some strapped lifestyle, christianity isent about legalism, ie you can do this you cant do that, (excluding the 10 commandments) I mean legalism in the fact that, you cant listen to music that describes non-christian beliefs. If someone is weak minded enough to listen to metal and become warped, then their beliefs aren't strong enough anyway. The metal lifestyle is about individualism, and if you want to put your personal beliefs in music then its your choice to do so, even if your beliefs are christian.