Christmas Tune This Year?


Feb 8, 2009
I have a feeling I've probably missed 12 discussions on this already, so if this is quite the dead horse, forgive me please for beating it once more.


Will Theocracy have a new Christmas song this year?
I've been wondering that, myself.... Also wondering if or when they'll be offering these in a lossless format anytime soon, like FLAC or WAV.
A new Christmas song, an entire Christmas album, a solo album, something new from Project Aegis (even though Matt is better without those other vocalists), even just a tiny new Theocracy album teaser would be fantastic: All I want for Christmas is anything from Matt Smith!
From the band's Facebook page today: "Unfortunately, we didn't have time to record a Christmas song this year between work on the new album, rehearsals for [the Christmas Rock Night show in Germany] , and everyone's travel schedules."