
RampageSword said:
This morning I read all these previous posts about you guys enjoying so much Swallow The Sun. Of course, me being only 20 and Canadian, I never heard of that band...Now the funny thing is that, this afternoon I went at my favorite record store hoping to find some new reason to burn my money and oh surprise, I stumble upon "The Morning Never Came" by you know who. So I bought it and it's GREAT. I love it! Along with Opeth this is the best cold winter nights music I've ever heard...
YAY! That's awesome! :)
Staying here right in the Rocky Mountains. Haha ironically enough it's going to be 52 degrees here, which is very high for this time of year.
Siren said:
Degrees always means degrees. :p
I know, i just said that usually people say fahrenheit when they're talking about fahrenheit. At least on tv :p

Anyway, back on topic!

Now i'm waiting for my bf to get off work, and then we'll go to my parents' place in another city WHERE THERE'S LOTS OF SNOW :) Then we'll go to the sauna and decorate the christmas tree and play Disney Monopoly that we got for christmas :o