Reminds you of someone you miss? Who and why?
Dream Theater's "Dissapear", just because I'm afraid that it will (without the obvious overtones of the girl dying...) embody my relationships. For that matter, Anathema's "One Last Goodbye", as well.
Reminds you of something beautiful, and what was it?
I'm not sure that I actually have any that I've a beautiful memory associated with. One or two songs just make me think 'beauty', though, and one is definitely Aggaloch's "The Misshapen Steed".
Reminds you of 'good old times', what?
Sentenced - "You Are the One". Cheesy, but in a romantic way. I loved the song, and wanted it to apply to her, but it wasn't going to happen. That, and she didn't like metal.
To go even farther back, I'd have to say... probably something by Metallica. Though I hate their long-sold-souls nowadays, there was a time I thought them tr00 metal, and would rock out to them with the band I was supposed to sing for. This was when I was 14 or so.
Brings back sad memories, what?
If I had to pick one, it would be Opeth's "To Bid You Farewell". I remember listening to that one song over and over while walking through a completely frozen and snow-blanketed NYC after finding out my ex had cheated on me, and knowing that part of me had died with that knowledge. Without that association, it would fall under the 'beautiful' heading, but alas...
Makes you daydream of something good, what?
Hehe. You'll probably think me mean for this, but I've always wanted to be the singer for a band that makes it big playing metal. That's not so bad. What's bad is that I want to play a show where my s/o (if one) is standing backstage, and I shout to all the groupie-esque girls that "This one's for you!" (in a nice way

)... the launch into IF's "Zombie Inc." Hehe. Ok, so I'm a mean guy. Otherwise, just basically any song I've ever really wanted to be the frontman for live.
Made you cry when you first heard it, why?
Have a bit of a list here... Opeth - TBYF, Katatonia - all of Tonight's Decision (do not buy during a breakup...), Armageddon - Well of Sadness, Anathema - Judgement (the album...).
Makes you cry every time you hear it, why?
Nowadays, I rarely cry to songs, unless I'm already sad. But two that always bring me close to the edge of depression are Opeth - TBYF, and Katatonia's "Tonight's Music".
Makes you smile every time you hear it, why?
Hehe... The Darkness - I Believe in a thing Called Love... or the remixed video

Also... just about anything that remind's me of a good friend, or of a good time in my life, or just something I'd love to play for a large group of people.