What song...
Makes you miss someone + Who and why?
Opeth - Windowpane. Reminds me of a woman i didn't hold on to when i should have. The whole Opeth cd was probably the only one out of my collection she liked (though she took some effort to bear others as well), and so it was on a constant spin during that short time.
Reminds you of something beautiful + What?
Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness. During the performance of that song on a summer festival, I was in a very thoughtful mood and came up with some ideas on how to see and lead my life and myself in the context to others. I could even see this as some kind of religious experience if I were that kind of person, but anyway this 'moment of clarity' has helped me up to the present day.
Reminds you of the time when you were happier than ever + Why?
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away. Reminds me of rowing trips (good old times) with my buddies when we didn't had to have thoughts about jobs, income, family or even the next day.
Makes you think of losing someone + Who?
Sentenced - Lower The Flags. I heard that song when driving to a funeral of a friend, so I always think of losing people when listening to this, but no single person.
Made you cry when you first heard it + Why?
Makes you cry every time you hear it + Why?
If I were in a genuinely fucked up mood, near to suicidal maybe, and had my fair share of booze on top of that, maybe one of these 'Schmachtfetzen' (in lack of a better english term) would qualify:
Therapy? - Diane.
Virgin Black - A Poet's Tears Of Porcelain.
New Model Army - These Words & Leeds Road, 3 a.m..
Theatre Of Tragedy - ...A Distance There Is.
Empyrium - Ode To Melancholy.
Bush - Letting The Cables Sleep.
Anathema - Forgotten Hopes.
and most of all:
Audioslave - Like A Stone (Live Acoustic).
Makes you smile every time you hear it + Why?
The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft. Because it's hilariously stupid yet ace.
Death - To Forgive Is To Suffer. Because I never get tired of trying to root out all the nuances of the drumming track, and fail miserably each time.
Machine Head - Davidian. Because it was on a tape i had in my first car.
Makes you think of a family member + Who and why?
New Model Army - My People. Of my sister, because she was the one to introduce me to New Model Army - I chose this particular song however,because back then she was (or thought to be) very focused on left wing political stuff which she has laid off completely by now.
Makes you think of a friend + Who and why?
The Police - So Lonely. Chris had this one song going on for hours in the car on a trip to France - he thought everyone else was sleeping, but we weren't, really. Now i always have to cup my ears when this one is played on the radio or tv.
Makes you regret + What?
Anathema - Regret. It's just the ultimate regret song. Fits to about everything you could ever regret.
Makes you happy + Why?
Monster Magnet - Power Trip. It's just an ace song for driving fast on a sunny day.
so there. please don't tell me that you care