Chrome Browser User's


The Fountain Of Lamneth
Anyone else using the Chrome browser? If so, when you come to UM pages, does it load the page twice? Whenever I come here, it'll load the page once in full, then 5 or so seconds later it blanks out and reloads the page? And this is the only place I come to that does that. Anyone else experiencing this weirdness? :confused:
I have been using google chrome for about 6 months or so and have not had any problems like that when visiting this forum. I have version 11.0.696.68
Freaking weird, as I'm running v11.0.696.68 and this occurs on 3 different computers. Work machine, home machine, and netbook. :err: Maybe I should install chrome on my EVO Android phone and see if it occurs there too. Oh well, glad it's not happening to others as it's annoying more than anything else. Thanks for the replies!