
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
I know everyone is still in shock from the tragic news, I still can't even accept that it's true. Chuck was one of the most influential men in the world of metal, and his legacy will live on forever. But now I look back and wonder if it was the music that was important?

I know, in the context of the loss of his life, the music is meaningless, just a shallow superficial part of the whole situation. But think about what he did for the community of metal. He was always sporting the idea of supporting bands, not rumors. He brought together amazing musicians nobody had ever heard of, and let them strut their stuff in his bands. He provided incredible music for his fans, whether they liked death vocals (death) or not (Control Denied). In the end, he brought together a whole community of musicians, by means of benefit concerts, auctions, etc....

I think Chuck should (will) be regarded as being the forefather of a metal community that is just that. A community.

Before his illness, I had never seen the metal world come together like that. Looking back, Chuck always seemed to be putting his heart and soul into improving metal. Maybe he is the martyr.

I can see a sense of community here as well, that I never would have noticed before. Maybe metal is slowly shifting into a trend away from seperation, labelling, and exclusion, and into a more accepting, close-knit community of music lovers.

So let us here at Ultimate Metal keep Chuck's spirit alive by keeping our metal community close.

May you Rest in Peace Chuck. We are forever indebted.
Well said.

Chuck Schuldiner is forever part of us, in his music, and in spirit. Death is a band that is universal between all the the genre's of heavy-metal. I have never really thought about it like that before, but Death is one of the only bands that can be appreciated by ANY fan of metal...

I encourage anyone and everyone to sign the condolence book on the EmptyWords site, so that we can SHOW just how strong the metal community is.

There has already been over 350 people sign the book since Chuck passed away. That is over 350 people that Chuck has never met, yet he has touched in some way through his music. This goes to show just how strong the metal community is when it comes to supporting one of our own.

'The fragile art of existence is kept alive by sheer persistence'

'Death' is the sound of perseverance. Chuck has taught me that i should NEVER give up, and there is no time for self-pity, no time for dwelling on what should have been...

The journey has only just begun...

Keep Chuck Schuldiner's legacy alive within the metal community.

Persist... Persevere... Dream... Live... Think...
I truly agree with you. But his music was much of a big deal as it was his person. Death is the first band that really made me want to play leads and overcoming my 7 years (at the time) of dificulties to improve my music, and it influenced me big time musically i discovered many things as dual guitars harmonies, relative 9th chords, the use of having weird tempos and standart tempos in contrast with each other and the list go on.

On a personal level He inspired me to keep going even when i was completly alone with no one to make a band with i just decided to do all the music and the lyrics myself and not wait for band members this is why for a band that has just found their definitive lineup ( 2 months ago or less ) we have 6 song we are almost ready to record a demo we are on our way, because of the inspiration i have from Chuck looking back at his career at all the people that one way or another left Death it made me want to do music no matter what the odds against it are.

I think his Music and his Person have about the same weight for me and it will always be the same.

He is the reason that i am in band. Two lead-guitarists, harmonizing each others leads and creating counter melodies.

Chuck was an amazing musician (it feels strange to say 'was'), and a great player too.

I agree, i have gained as much from his person and his perseverance as i have from his music. Chuck Schuldiner has made me grow as a musician AND a person.

This event will always be a sad moment for me. I feel as though i have lost someone close to me, and in a way i have...

The journey has just begun....
After reading that I just had to put in a Death cd ,,, I did not hear any news on this ,, this is the first time I heard that he was gone ,,, he was the person who basically got me into metal ( well besides you till) and he will always be respected by me more than any other musician . Trapped said he feels like he has lost someone close to him ,,,, I think we all did,

Rest in Peace Chuck ,, we love you .