Church of Australian Metal

Road Warrior is a PITA to get anywhere unless you listen to it on their bandcamp page, it's either massively overpriced or it's out of stock. Convent Guilt, having listened to it again since it came out, might not even make my top 10. It's not as good as the first and I wouldn't recommend it unless you are a real fan.

That’s a shame about Convent Guilt. First album was awesome.
Good call on the Black Majesty album btw, I wasn't honestly expecting it to make my list and with more time will likely bump Convent Guilt down and move itself into the middle of my list. Really powerful stuff.
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I was a little surprised by BM, they have good pedigree but something just kept telling me that the new album was going to be weaker but it wasn't. I'm still a few weeks away from doing my list but I think mine might be made of more mellow stuff than previous years.
Aussie Top 10 2018

1. After Burner – After Burner
Debut hardcore thrash better than I've heard recently from a debut Aussie band
2. Greystone Canyon – The Wheel Still Turns
A lot more mellow that I often listen to with metal but some decent songs and tunes on here
3. Black Majesty – Children Of The Abyss
Damn good power metal release which was a pleasant surprise this year
4. Taipan – Night Visions
I'd struggle to go past any Taipan release. I've known the band forever and this is classic old school metal
5. Roadkill – Ruled By Machines
Some might consider this more Aussie pub rock than metal but I think worth of a mention in metal because it does have some harder rocking tunes.
6. Southeast Desert Metal – Break The Silence
I like where these guys are heading, not super heavy but still damn good listening.
7. Hidden Intent – Fear Prey Demise
Straight out thrash, a good release but not really anything new and exciting enough to boost it above 7th
8. Espionage – Digital Dystopia
Loved this on first listen, but subsequent listens I've dropped it down. I like the drumming in parts and I like some of riff work but there is something in it that doesn't allow me to up vote it higher.
9. Convent Guilt – Diamond Cut Diamond
This album is growing on me as I listen to it more and in time might even rank higher. I much prefer the second half of the album though
10. Lethal Vendetta – No Prisoners No Mercy
Another one I liked more on first listen and could well loose places over time.


Witchskull – Coven’s Will

I really liked the sound of this for the first few songs but it seemed to lack substance to the end
Devil Electric – Devil Electric
Some good riffage and not too bad singing but the album needs t be heavier.
Maniaxe – Canticles Of Corruption
Think the growls on this let the album down. Either needs to be clean vocals or a better growler.
On My Command – Apparitions
I thought I'd like this more than I did. It's not terrible or anything but it's definitely not a high rater.
Vulturous – Slave To The Shadows
Liked the music, the riffs and stuff but not the vocals.
Deathlahem – The Birthplace Of Deth
Good but not great.
Star Eternal – Archetypica
Ayreon style prog/power, good but not as good as Ayeron.​
Road Warrior – Power
Not a bad album, a bit boring in a few songs, but it's not enough to get into the top 10
Any album not already released for 2018 is automatically a shit album and can't be rated :)
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I just can't get into Road Warrior enough. I don't hate it but there just isn't enough in it to keep me interested for the whole album.

Convent Guilt wouldn't have got on the list if I hadn't bought it. If I hadn't bought it I'd have never listened to it twice. But after listening to it a few times now I think it ends really solidly,
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2. Greystone Canyon – The Wheel Still Turns
A lot more mellow that I often listen to with metal but some decent songs and tunes on here
That’s Darren from Sanctum’s new band. Not my thing but they’ve put a lot of work in and I’m glad people are digging it.
I don't know that a second release from GC would rate as highly for me, they'd have to progress somewhere, but it was a right time right place album when I listened to it first time just after it's release and since then it's stuck. Makes a difference from all the growly, half produced, undone piles of the heavy shit that flooded the market this year. This is a heap of LPS and EPS from Australian bands this year alone that should never have been released. I don't have a problem with people having different tastes and liking different shit but some of the releases this year have been woefully undone in so many areas.
I've been out of the loop on Aussie metal for ages (all metal in fact- only new releases I checked out all year were JP Firepower, Amorphis QoT, At the Gates and Visigoth's amazing new album) so thanks for putting together these extensive lists for me to listen to which have brought some new bands to my attention and encouraged me to put together my own list!

I'm a bit of a traditional fan so my list mostly reflects that- top 10 in no particular order:

  1. Hidden Intent - Fear, Prey, Demise - Love the 'aussieness' to the thrash sound. Killer production and execution. Deserve the overseas attention they are getting.
  2. Temtris - Rapture - Thought their previous efforts were pretty bland and sub par, but they seem to have taken things up a notch with this release and it's very good. Getting a killer drummer on board can do that sometimes.
  3. Battlegrave - Relics of Dead Earth - Not a massive fan of the vocals and is a little generic, but it sounds killer, especially with Kevin Talley's pro-drumming. They've put their heart and soul into this and it shows. Would love if they put together a live outfit.
  4. Lethal Vendetta - No Prisoners, No Mercy- There's something about these guys that I reckon they could take to the next level., however something is holding them back. There are some bits of this release that grate with me such as aspects of the drumming / timing and I really think they could need a producer to give them some guidance. Would have loved at least one song that was much faster in tempo as well. Apparently very good live however.
  5. Espionage - Digital Dystopia - World class power / traditional metal release, with much improved vocals. Think they should cut some of their songs down- as we get the idea with some of the solos (enter the arena being a case in point).
  6. On My Command - Apparitions- Could benefit from some better production and guidance and execution in parts. But shows promise in songwriting and has some pretty catchy riffs and melodies in there. Not to mention the great artwork.
  7. Black Majesty- Children of the Abyss- Only just scrapped in to the list. Obviously outstanding musicians and history but this release seems a bit weak.
  8. Southeast Desert Metal- Break the Silence- They probably are getting more attention in the mainstream than better bands do, but it's still an enjoyable listen, with a pro sound.
  9. Witchskull - Coven's Will - Some great stoner / doom / hard rock riffs, and just seem to be a more professional outfit than some of the other hard rock / traditional bands mentioned that could have made the list.
  10. Tamerlan Empire- Age of Ascendancy - Not really a Black metal fan these days, but this was interesting enough for me to check out. Surprisingly hi-fi sound.
Abnegation- Inception of a Dream EP- Not my usual taste, but it's one bloke (including real drums) and he's come up with a professional effort. Don't like him trying to put on a Scandinavian voice on his cleans though, regardless of whether he's a fan of modern In Flames.
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Killer live too
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I don't suppose it matters as long as you have a tight grip on your cock. Slipping on onion is one thing but slipping on a dick could really be dangerous