Circle II Circle Consequence of Power


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005
Anybody know anything about this upcoming release?? Normally there is more buzz about this band with a release coming out than this...just curious....:yow:
I've heard almost nothing. Almost every fan I know was really disappointed with the last CD, including myself. Hopefully this one is a 'return to form' as they say...
I've heard almost nothing. Almost every fan I know was really disappointed with the last CD, including myself. Hopefully this one is a 'return to form' as they say...
count me as one of those who was very disappointed in the Delusions of Grandeur. The band was trying to be too heavy and Zak sounded the same on every song. Let's hope this one is more like the first 3.
Venom, I agree that there hasn't been much talk. I was on the CIIC website the other night looking for updates. I for one liked Delusions, but none of their releases have surpassed Watching In Silence in my opinion. I think because it's the most "Savatage" sounding record of them all. Quite frankly, I wish that Zak would simply put out a carbon copy of one his Savatage era albums. That wouldn't bother me one bit. (shrugs)

Quite frankly, I wish that Zak would simply put out a carbon copy of one his Savatage era albums. That wouldn't bother me one bit. (shrugs)


I kind of felt that Burden of Truth did that (musically, not so much lyrically).
I kind of felt that Burden of Truth did that (musically, not so much lyrically).

I did too which I guess is the reason why I love it so much!

Not even close guys, sorry. It's a good album don't get me wrong! With that said, go listen to Dead Winter Dead and Burden of Truth back to back. The music is completely different, which was what I'm going to assume that Zak was going for. I'm sure the difference has to do with O'Neill being in control of that era of Savatage as to where Zak is in control of the CIIC sound.


hey, hey, guys... everyone should just come out to the Nov 5th performance of CIIC at the Local Concert Venue in Marietta, GA and ask Zak yourself. ;)

tickets are $10 advance; $13 at the door. Two support bands on the bill and they're both great, so come out early and enjoy!

then come back out the following night to the Pathfinder MetalFest. See sig for details.

/end/ gratuitous plug. :Spin:

hey, hey, guys... everyone should just come out to the Nov 5th performance of CIIC at the Local Concert Venue in Marietta, GA and ask Zak yourself. ;)

tickets are $10 advance; $13 at the door. Two support bands on the bill and they're both great, so come out early and enjoy!

then come back out the following night to the Pathfinder MetalFest. See sig for details.

/end/ gratuitous plug. :Spin:
Damnit!! I can't do Friday night shows!! :yell::bah::(
Edge.. why act like Dead Winter Dead is an example of all of Zak's Savatage-era material?
CircleIICircle has distanced themselves from the Sava sound, and not in a good way as far as I'm concerned. The new disc, from what I've heard, is not overly impressive.
"Whispers In Vain"- The bass is way too poppy sounding ( not pop music, but pop really trebly). Some of the vocal lines are surprisingly weak, Zak may be trying to change it up a bit, but I don't like much.
"Consequence of Power" Is a heavier, riff filled song not unlike "Taunting Cobra's", but once again is same old same to me
"Out of Nowhere" has some groove to it and has some heavy riffs. Sounds right where "Burden of Truth" left off to me.
"Remember" starts out as a rumbling train, but quickly gets derailed with an odd drumbeat before straightening itself out. May be a grower here, but not too bad
"Mirage" follows the same direction as a few of the earlier songs, keeping the disc from falling on the wrong side of average, but not stepping up and crushing balls either.
"Episodes of Mania"...meh. Heavy for the sake of heavy, boring as shit

Overall it doesn't break much new ground, but so far I'd say its maybe a 7.0 on the richter scale

...thats all I was given a chance to listen to so far. I'm assuming the disc leaked since it was a burned copy, so if you download the disc, please support the band and buy it when its available. Besides, Zak is a cool fucking dude!

hey, hey, guys... everyone should just come out to the Nov 5th performance of CIIC at the Local Concert Venue in Marietta, GA and ask Zak yourself. ;)

tickets are $10 advance; $13 at the door. Two support bands on the bill and they're both great, so come out early and enjoy!

then come back out the following night to the Pathfinder MetalFest. See sig for details.

/end/ gratuitous plug. :Spin:

Why did I not have any idea this was happening??? I'll do my best to get down there Greg!

Edge.. why act like Dead Winter Dead is an example of all of Zak's Savatage-era material?

Well, I'm not sure if I understand your question. With that said, it was simply a good example. Basically, It's unfair of me to expect Zak to write exactly like Paul O'Neill. I guess I just wish that he could. It would be cool if both O'Neill and Oliva could work with Zak for a full CIIC album though!

Mitch pretty much writes everything, guys. I spent a lot of time listening to his pre-production demos before he took the stuff to Zak. Then Zak writes most of the melodies and lyrics. Mitch sometimes gives Zak a melodic framework, but for the most part it is all Zak. Essentially, Mitch and Zak are the songwriting team, and have been since Burden of Truth. Zak and John Osbourne mixed this record. (It helps to have inside info. :p)
The new album is another disappointment. Watching in Silence and Burden of Truth were magnificent. THe MIddle of Nowhere, Delusions, and the new one.... *shakes head*. There's no subtleness on this album which means it's driven by the music whereas I think Zak does a better job when the two are written in tandem. Perhaps some people know how to write for Zak and other's don't.

This just shits me; as Zak is one of the best singer's out there.
What really bugs me about Zak's last two efforts is the beyond horrible production. For a guy who cut his teeth with paul O'neil's production, I'm not sure what he is thinking. I understand trying to differentiate himself from sava sound styllistically and develope a different sound. But strictly from a quality of sound perspective - his last two efforts sound worst than some demos I've heard. Which is sad coz there are some decent moments on both of those records, but the production kills it for me.
Ok, I liked the last one, but what I have heard from the new one(just what is one the myspace), just sounds bad. Maybe it will grow on me.

I am going to take a guess and say that Jim Morris didnt produce the new one did he?
count me as one of those who was very disappointed in the Delusions of Grandeur. The band was trying to be too heavy and Zak sounded the same on every song. Let's hope this one is more like the first 3.

Sadly, the new one is very much the same shtick. "Take Back Yesterday" is awesome and very much in the form of Burden of Truth, but overall it's just not all that good. Definitely another disappointment for me. It doesn't help (just like the last album) that the production SUCKS.
Sadly, the new one is very much the same shtick. "Take Back Yesterday" is awesome and very much in the form of Burden of Truth, but overall it's just not all that good. Definitely another disappointment for me. It doesn't help (just like the last album) that the production SUCKS.

I agree that the production sucks but I don't think the album does. I don't think that it is anywhere near what it could/should be either. I am somewhat disappointed in it but I'm really trying to like it. I WILL, however definitely check them out on tour should they announce some US dates.