Circle II Circle Question for Glenn

I'd say there is a good chance although I have no actual knowledge. They have performed 1-2 Savatage tunes at all of their shows in Florida and at the Rock Hard Fest in Germany last week.

Besides, I'll personally kick Zack in the nads if they don't. :tickled:

Glenn H.
YtseJammer said:
Better question: Will the Mountain King show up as he seems to do at all of Zak's shows? :D

I'd say that it depends on the Moutain King's schedule in September which is not confirmed at the moment. :hotjump: Let's just say that the invitation has been extended.:wave:

Glenn H.:Spin:

P.S. My daughter is picking the smilies...

Thanks for the response. I so want to hear him sing "Edge of Thorns".


Have you completely recovered yet? I've got a bit of a cold I'm attributing to sleep deprivation.

Think of it THIS way.....

They get 1 hour to play at ProgPower. And they have only one album which I hear is very short. So what else are they going to do with that extra time?
Mephistopheles said:
Think of it THIS way.....

They get 1 hour to play at ProgPower. And they have only one album which I hear is very short. So what else are they going to do with that extra time?

I would tend to agree with your assessment. However, it's possible Zak may want to distance himself from that material (why, I wouldn't know). He could just as easily play the whole disc, from beginning to end, and then play two cover songs that he's always loved.

How about some inside information? Yes we have been performing several Zak-sava-era songs at all the shows. Yes the album is 45 minutes and with 1hr time slotted for us,...well, you do the math. We are constantly reviewing the set. Be assured that there will be no time for BS and 60 minutes of music. As for Mr. Oliva, it has been a pleasure for us and the fans having him on stage with us! So you just never know where he might turn up! Were just looking forward to being there in Sept.
Check out the bands new web-site@

Gotta put my vote in for Walls too.

At first I was a little leary of the album, but that one song completely turned me around. After listening to that 40000 times I finally gave the rest of the album a listen and really can't wait to see C2C play!

Fields of Sorrow is another one I'd love to hear.

@Christopher - by the way, it was seeing that you posted here that finally nudged me to get the album. Always think it's cool when the members take part....... :)
My pleasure. It's just a family thing if you want to be a part of the bigger picture. Til then,....................
Walls touched me in a weird way that a few songs have.. I've been going through some rough times (divorce) and that song grabbed me from the get-go. I will be there with sharpy in hand to ink it in on the set list while they're not looking in case it's missing :)

I have listened to that album about 40x since I've gotten it, I'm very impressed with it. One of the better albums that I've acquired in the past few years.