

Nov 27, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Such an amazing Band!
In general such cleans are very marginal for me but somehow he rocks the shit out of it.

For example:


I love it when parts get in solution like 0:32...
Yeah great band for sure. Played with them recently, the thoughts I was left with is the singer needs a different band, it all sounds cool on cd but live it just didn't work at all :S not that any of them were bad, every one was tight, it just seems the music/ samples fx etc didn't sit well with the vocalists style

Great music though, definitely enjoy it a lot!
A mate of mine is best friends with the singer, yet I still don't have the Ep, nor have I seen them live.... really good stuff that I've heard so far!


Music seems interesting. In vogue with what's happening today with the prog bands, I suppose.

The guitars on this have a really stuffy, woody midrange. Is this the AXE effect?

I'm not digging how the music is being (mis)represented by the production/mix. There's no depth to the low-end, and it's slammed to holy hell so you get absolutely no feel for the dynamics. I start developing a headache after about a minute of listening to this. I'd really prefer more bottom and back to front depth. Would probably sound less 'scene' that way, but give it more longevity in the end.
Yeah, the mix is kinda smashed to hell and I would prefer a slghtly different sound too, but the music is so genius that this is total listenable for me.
The singer touches the brilliance of Anberlins singer in some strange way, imo...

It's kinda en vogue, but very unique in this genre.

Some Circle lovers here :)
Why is everyone making this kind of riffs!? Seems like the only genre left is polyrythm-metal. Whatever that is. Like the singer, though.
I caught these guys at revolver a few months ago and was totally blown away, looking forward to checking out their set at Creepshow.

Must acquire EP!

BTW if you're heading to Creepshow you should check out Anna Salen, they'll be doing the Mario Brothers theme again.