Circus Maximus - Nine: My Review

This is what I envisioned the guys in Circus Maximus saying after reading all the proclamations of Seventh Wonder taking over the melodic prog crown after their ProgPower USA appearance & last release:

“Fuck those guys and their neat beards.”

I just hate that they are even mentioned in the same review.
Cannot wait for this disk! Thanks for the heads up.
Let me remind folks that I am friends with the bands that have performed at the festival and I will not tolerate personal insults or attacks towards them in my own forum. Take that elsewhere.
I really enjoyed just reading your review Glenn even though I am not a fanboy of this band. It was very informative and also very entertaining. I think you have some pretty good potential there fella :) But I was wondering what you would rate this album on a scale of 1 to 10? Maybe a NINE? heheh I kid I kid. GREAT JOB BRO!! :) And now I want to hear this album just to see what you are talking about with the drums and bass. :)
Great review!I really liked how you gave a track by track rundown.I think it paint´s a nice picture for the rest of us who have not heard all of the album yet.I have heard the new single "Reach Within".I can´t tell you how many times I have played in the last few days.Very uplifting and fresh sounding song.I have always thought that, if there is any band besides Dream Theater in the prog metal genre that would break out and have more commercial success ,it would be Circus Maximus.And by the sounds of it they might be heading that way.
Grazie Glen!
I've just received my promo and I didn't sleep for, let's say 3-4 hours last night, as I wasn't able to push "stop" on my stereo

I completely agreed with you! now with this long awaited album they'll fight the mighty Seventh Wonder in order to reconquer the precious PROG KING CROWN

Long Live Scandinavian Prog Metal
Long Live US Prog Power (the festival I meant...:-)
not lucky enough to get a promo copy, so I pre-ordered mine several weeks ago. just "patiently" waiting for June 5th for the Circus Maximus and Jorn to come out and arrive in my mail
I heard "Used" today and it has become my new favorite song by the band....DAMN!!!!!!!!
For those in NA with Spotify, the album has been posted. If you want something to listen to while your orders are being shipped...
I couldn't wait - and when it wasn't posted this morning, I bought the iTunes release, which was available at the time.

Really good stuff, with "Architect of Fortune" and "Burn After Reading" being, IMO, the standout tracks on this album. A couple of the shorter tracks are 'just' really good instead of awesome - but as a whole, the CD is as good as most CM fans would expect.