Clansman-synths are ready!


Apr 26, 2001
Visit site
They are in two sections.

cclan1 and clan2.

The first one starts right from the begginning and the off-set for the second one is at 5:04,20 . Hopefully it will work out fine. Should I put them up to MyPlay or send the straight to someone?? via e-mail
Check your browser settings.

If you have English browser, look for cookies, if Finnish look for 'evästeet' I think.
I checked and accepted all cookies.

I'm using Win 89. and Microsoft IExplore.

Is there any other place to go than internet options -> privacy

Or is there other places to enable cookies??..

It still doesn't work.
Where do I score a copy of this Windows 89?!? :loco:

..sorry..just had to point out the typo.
..and I am very confused on just what you 2 are talking about..did I miss somehing? :err: present problem is that I can't fucking log on to MyPlay 'coz it tells me that "you have to enable cookies".

I have adjusted all the safety settings at mininmum and yet it isn't working. I can't fucking upload them.

But I may use my brothers web space so be patient it takes a day.