Anyone here like old school black metal? or just black metal for that matter?
Mayhem & Bathory are king.
Mayhem & Bathory are king.
Militia said:Dimmu kicks alot of ass. I've always preferred Shagrath's vocals to Dani Filth's...
JonnyD said:You should get yerself Some Borknagar! Epic, Empirisism, Quintessence and The Arcaic Course ... Dimmu's ok if your into the waaaaaay overblown Symphonic BM
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:Yes indeed, Borknagar has been one of my favorites for quite some time, but Epic I couldnt get into a whole lot. Empiricism and Quintessence are the two to get , its hard as hell to find anything before that.
BathoryXorv said:Anyone here like old school black metal? or just black metal for that matter?
Mayhem & Bathory are king.
its hard as hell to find anything before that.