Classical Sections


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
We all know SX integrates classical pieces into their music. I was listening to some Bach midi files yesterday and I heard some very familiar passages that are in "A Fool's Paradise". Other than that, I know that "Dressed to Kill" has some Bach in it, but I don't know from which piece. Also, their is "DWOT" which has some Mars the Bringer of War (Holst) in it. What other SX songs have classical pieces in them and what are the names of the classical pieces?
Interesting topic...

From what I remember both Prelude and Fool's Paradise are taken directly from Verdi's Dies Irae.

Premonition - that baroque solo is taken from the same piece as Dressed to Kill - Prelude in C Minor (Well-Tempered Klavier Book)

I'm sure there's plenty more...
Originally posted by Dado-x
Interesting topic...

From what I remember both Prelude and Fool's Paradise are taken directly from Verdi's Dies Irae.

Premonition - that baroque solo is taken from the same piece as Dressed to Kill - Prelude in C Minor (Well-Tempered Klavier Book)

I'm sure there's plenty more...

Prelude is from Verdi's requiem, but A Fools Paradise is from Bach's Harpsichord concerto No 1. The "lacrymosa" section of Death of Balance features the Lacrymosa from Mozart's Requiem. Incantations of the Apprentice has a little bit of Sorcerers Apprentice during the guitar solo.

Thats all I can think of (besides whats already been mentioned).
Originally posted by Yngvai X
Prelude is from Verdi's requiem, but A Fools Paradise is from Bach's Harpsichord concerto No 1. The "lacrymosa" section of Death of Balance features the Lacrymosa from Mozart's Requiem. Incantations of the Apprentice has a little bit of Sorcerers Apprentice during the guitar solo.

Thats all I can think of (besides whats already been mentioned).
Yes, but that part of Fool's just before the solo, "Dies Irae...", is from the same Verdi piece.
They ought to put this on their website one of these days. :) Sometimes I hear something that seems familiar and wonder if it's something they came up with or something that's been integrated. On the Breath of Poseidon feels familiar but it could just be me.
I would think that those soundtrack like pieces are completely original, like Transcendence and On the Breath of Poseidon...and of course all those parts in The Odyssey.
I hope that is the case anyway.
It would be nice to have a reference though, for sure.