Classics Reborn

He's such a douche bag. He says he wanted to leave to spend time with his family before it was too late. He was already in his 60's. His mom must have been 100. But then he still needed 20 more reasons to leave Priest?! Either you want that chance to spend time with your family or you don't. You shouldn't need anymore reasons. Dick.

Yeah I'm sure we all have multiple reasons for leaving a job, it's rarely just one thing so it's not surprising to see he had a list but having a list that long is substantial. If you had 20 reasons to leave your job but still stayed there the reasons for staying, or wanting to go back must be fucking great reasons!

I think the longer he spends out of it the more time it gives him to dwell on the bad and keep creating the more reasons rather than just accepting he made a choice and either leaving it or regretting it in silence.

If more proof is needed that he lives only in KK world his comments about Orange Goblin are proof. OG are playing KK's Steel Mill soon and he's described them as an up and coming band that he is giving a chance on stage. OG have only been around since '97 and released something like 8 albums and they are 'up and coming'. Well done KK!!
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LOl. Here's the pulse----------------------------------------------------Here's KK's finger jammed straight up his ass. ( Jay And Silent Bob Strike back )
Or something like that lol
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James said Cliff wouldn't have been his ally for their change lol. But maybe Cliff and James together could have kept it from happening. James has said recently he wasn't even that fond of that time he did it for Kirk and Lars. I think Cliff dying is the only thing that saved Lars from being kicked out like they had been talking about. But like you say. We'll never know.

I wonder what Metallica would have been like without Lars? :)

I like to think that Cliff and James together would have been enough to get them a few more thrash albums out. I wouldn't have cared if Lars or Kirk were still in the band or if the band weren't still thrashing it out 30 years on, but I'd like to have seen them keep going as the Kill Em All 4 piece for a few more albums.
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LOl. Here's the pulse----------------------------------------------------Here's KK's finger jammed straight up his ass. ( Jay And Silent Bob Strike back )
Or something like that lol

Haha :)

Apparently Jay and SB are getting a reboot this year. Kevin Smith told all on their Jay and SB podcast recently.
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I wonder what Metallica would have been like without Lars? :)

I like to think that Cliff and James together would have been enough to get them a few more thrash albums out. I wouldn't have cared if Lars or Kirk were still in the band or if the band weren't still thrashing it out 30 years on, but I'd like to have seen them keep going as the Kill Em All 4 piece for a few more albums.
Yeah me too. I'm sure it would have been great.
No shit? That could be cool! Or a disaster lol.

Oh yeah if the PC crowd get hold of it there is no hope, but apparently they don't hold back on the podcast so there is hope that whatever format they come back in it wont be PC driven. Although Jay's going be fucked without all the fat jokes he used to be able to aim and SB
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I hope it's extremely offensive. Although it seems like everything is labeled as extremely offensive these days, even the mundane. Yeah no more tons O fun lol. It'll probably do better after release than in the theaters.
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He didn't suggest whether it was a tv thing or a movie only that he was in the process of getting it all organised.
I really should get the cartoons out again, it's been too long since I watch them
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I remember the first time I saw Clerks I thought it was some piss weak z grade movie done on a $0 budget but it didn't take long to realise it was so much more than that.
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I remember back in the 90's having most of the movie in short animated gifs, small avi and wav files. We used to use them on IRC as people use memes today :)
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I'll go back to the '80's

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And he's stolen KK's line. It is what it is. The guy is just not original at all lol.

Oh yeah I'd love to see KK retract everything and finish by saying "I'm a dick!"

I was in the 'cheap' bookshop before and I was looking through the music books and KK's is still there and there is 2 copies still on the shelf. $33 is the asking price, I thought about taking it up to the register and just laughing at the girl but I'm not sure she would have understood.
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Oh yeah I'd love to see KK retract everything and finish by saying "I'm a dick!"

I was in the 'cheap' bookshop before and I was looking through the music books and KK's is still there and there is 2 copies still on the shelf. $33 is the asking price, I thought about taking it up to the register and just laughing at the girl but I'm not sure she would have understood.
I am shocked and stunned!
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