Classics Reborn

He invented mirrors too. And fake mirrors.

Yeah he did blame Rob for a ton of stuff. Over and over. For everything under the sun. It's completely crazy that he now thinks everything would be cool and it's just Glen.
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Haha, that KISS mirror Sebastian Bach found recently only exists because KK allowed it to exist

I'm kind of glad the band seem to be staying out of it, but I would like to hear what Rob thinks :)
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KK invented Sebastian Bach.

Yeah that's a double edged sword right? lol The second anyone does the KK troop will forget all he has said and pounce on it. But I'd love to hear something too. Just make a list of the stupid shit KK's said over the past few months and let Rob respond. How much shit can they ignore?
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Haha I bet Snake wishes KK reinvented a new Bach.

I do believe their silence is saying a lot of what they need to. They suggested they were open to KK coming back for a show as a part of the 50th anniversary tour, but now they are saying nothing about it.
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All will be done by the grace of KK.

Haha, I know. He just keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper. He hasn't stopped running his mouth for more than two weeks since he first started. Imagine how awkward that show would be! Then we'd get a year of KK saying how shocked and stunned he was that they didn't all hug and hangout before and or after the show. Or the injustice of Richie being placed at the table where he should have been placed at the after party.
Or..He just didn't feel the brotherhood..Sad. But it is what it is.
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KK could join Skid Row and they band could all whine and bitch together.

Don't forget the mileage he'd get out of the after show stuff. "My fans tell me the shows is better with me on stage." "No one from the band has rung me since the show." "I invented the motorbike Rob rides on stage and didn't get thanks." "Ian told me we brothers but Andy has brainwashed him into make bad shows rather than inviting me back."
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I wonder whose ego would reign supreme in that band?

Yeah I wish it would happen for the giggles, but don't want to see Rob and the boy bring themselves down to his level.
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Yeah it's been around, but for some reason it popped up for me in recommendations like it's new. Gotta love the synchronized headbanging lol. I bet KK invented that. Actually it's pretty lame so he probably did.
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