Classics Reborn

The comment about KK being shocked takes the cake.
This really just proves what a shit pit the internet really is. The kids probably wont ever read the article or the comments but what's the world coming to when adults have to make shit jokes at a bunch of kids having fun. Such an article is also the most logical place to have a discussion about Switzerland and how multicultural they are.
That Sabrina chick does have a good set of lungs, I liked her in Burning Witches. The new girl is probably as good but she needs time to get to the same level.
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Yeah the KK one was pretty damn funny.
Clearly Ellsworth strikes again. You might as well go to the heart of Africa and ask why there's no white kids in the tribal dance lol. But I guess anywhere that they don't pump in people from other countries is bad right?
It's just sad. I thought it was pretty damn cool to see little kids celebrating some metal in a fun way.
I don't know anything about Burning Witches but it seems like she must be pretty cool.
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I wonder if the kids actually knew what they were singing, as in it was chosen because it was metal or if they were just chosen songs. Either way I agree it was a pretty cool thing to see and it's a pity some dicks can't just let it be what it was.

The chick in the clip released two albums with them. Pretty much anything you find on YT is her singing as the new chick has only released one song I believe.

Damn, this guy really is a complete fucktard. He was pissed that the debut was remastered 'without his permission'. How many fucking times did Sebbie make the offer to do something special. How many time did Sebbie open his mouth and offer anything? Now this dick wants to claim he's pissed at the record company who own the rights and want to make money where the band doesn't?
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I was kinda thinking maybe they aren't allowed to? But if they are you're completely right. Bach has been asking to do it for a few years now and says he has a lot of stuff he could put in there. Completely dick move. They just wanna keep it all to themselves and are so far up their own asses about Bach they punish everyone else.
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Their contacts could state all sorts of things. It's pretty standard that the record company owns the rights to things and releases stuff like that when it suits them and often without the band's knowledge but an anniversary album was spoken about for ages I'm sure if the whole band could have gotten their shit together Rhino would have agreed to a remastered, remixed, rerecorded, re-just about anything to get something out there. Seems to me like Rhino finally got sick of the bitching and fighting and wanted to make money from the band they signed so they took matters into their own hands with what they had. Bitching about that product now when you were the main reason nothing else happened is a joke.
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Oh was that their original label? yeah if I was the label I'd be sick of their bullshit too. He bitches about the remastering it but admits he hasn't heard it. Stupid. They still could have put out a physical copy though.
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Nah the original label was Atlantic, Rhino bought the rights to back catalogue (at least), which would have included the rights to release what they like when they like. Remastering is a shitty way for them to cash in on what was a classic album, but if the band aren't going to get off their arses and do something it's hard to deny the label for trying to make money.

I just can't believe the way he refused anything to do with an anniversary album, hides away from people asking him if he can bury the hatchet with Sebbie, goes on about how good Zippyboy is, then waits for the smoke to clear and comes out saying he was pissed off that the label did something without asking. The guy has got his head so far up his own arse that he can't see daylight.
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I'm not sure on that one. Given that it's not Atlantic (unless Rhino is a subsidiary of Atlantic) I'm surprised Rhino are close to a 30 year anniversary. But I guess if the label paid for the rights for that period it does mean they come up for renewal next year. Whether or not there is an option for the current owner to repurchase or they become open market I don't know. I believe music rights only become public domain after 75 or 99 years so someone will have to take over ownership of them in some way shape or form.
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No there isn't and I didn't go looking at the Metal Hammer website for it. Maybe I didn't care enough to know too much. Maybe I just wanted to laugh at what sort of a tool Snake is :)
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I wouldn't put it past Rachel and Snake :)

See Blabber had another exert from the Metal Hammer article today. Talk about kicking a dead horse, Metal Hammer do one interview and Blabber stretch it out to at least two, possibly more if tomorrow is a slow day. They must really thrive on comments in the Blabber office.
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