Classics Reborn

I suppose they have given credit and that might be enough,but I question why they need to do it. I realise Blabber is 90% other peoples articles but at the same time to read a mag and transcribe it seems like a lot of effort just to make the comments section active.
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I'll still take these interviews over a lot of the other crap on there lol. Snake kinda seems like an ok guy. Until you remember the rest of their history and their undying douchiness.
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It's a convenient location to find a range of articles on metal and convenience is a good thing, the problem with a site like Blabber is how they go about presenting the news articles.

I think everyone in music is a douche, that way I'm pleasantly surprised when one turns out not to be :) The history of the band and its members is a reminder that none of them are innocent and even with Sebbie trying hard for reunions and anniversaries he's far from innocent in the shit that went down but Snake and Rachel really do come off worse when most of the time they seem to want to ignore that Sebbie was even in the band or had anything to do with their success.
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I think he looks funny :)
Looking at the mouth area it's hard not to see who it is but as a whole it's a pretty damn good disguise.
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If he keeps on this path of progression he might even find himself invited back for a gig during the anniversary.
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