Classics Reborn

Hahaha. So true.
I'm gonna let the Anthrax topic on their forum drop for now. They disappear when non regulars start posting lol.
Maybe they are being precious about it. I actually don't know what he meant by that lol.
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I responded with the laugh purely because anything else would have upset the guy.
They don't want to discuss it, they just want people to agree with them in their blind praise for their favourite band.

Apart from that we evolved that thread, it wasn't just kicking Anthrax for their laziness. :)
If they have been more open to discussion I'd like to have heard their opinion on the Scott vs LiveNation thing. Obviously they don't see a problem with Anthrax being a festival band, but I think Scott's recent comment really puts that in jeopardy. But I'm also not sure they can start doing headline tours again.
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Lol yeah. I figured as much :lol:.
It's true the discussions on the forum never last long or go very deep. It's usually like a one sentence response from someone and then the thread is dead.

I would have liked to hear their thoughts on Livenation as well. Maybe they just don't have one.
but I suspect you're right. they just don't want to hear anything negative.
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It's part of the reason forums are dying. No conversation just throw away comments like on social media. I'd rather silly and pointless conversations that go nowhere than throw away comments.

I'm interested to see where Scott stands on the matter too. It's all good and well to be outraged at the announcement but when the rage eases what is he really going to do? Better the devil he knows I suspect, but it makes him look a bit silly. Most of the other musos I saw that expressed outrage were not as reliant on festivals as Anthrax seems to be.
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Not that we'd ever have such conversations!! :)

Spotify might be his only source of income soon :)
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There was posts from both Charlie and Scott on FB today, but I don't even remember what they were about. Perhaps I am too precious.
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Yeah I'm sure they all follow the band (and probably each individual) on FB. They'll be able to comment directly on those pages and tell them how excellent everything is.
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It's no longer a secret gig :)
Although to be fair I don't think the gig was much of a secret for long. I'm pretty sure the news sites and fans had clips of the show online within days of it happening.
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Gotta love Ozzy for his theatrics and his pre-show clips are as funny as anything he's done.

The one with Princess Dianna is a classic (although very bad taste).

Theres a few more on this page but they are from old VHS tapes so the quality isn't great.
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