Classics Reborn

I have to load up Blabber to know what is going on in my own backyard. Not even the hard line political media give enough shits about Clive Palmer to report on this until the verdict is handed down, even then unless he looses they probably wont report it. The guy barely has a week where he doesn't have a court case going and the media here just no longer give a shit.

But onto the funniest part. Dee's claim is "the rendition was awful, the message was misrepresentative, and Mr. Palmer's image is not good for my heavy metal image either,"

Umm I hate to tell you Dee but Dee Snider is not good for your heavy metal image either. Dee's a whiny, snivelling, has been, who thinks the world still owes him something because he had a hit song 40 years ago then sold his rights to everything he wrote. Clive's a fat, money worshipping, prick who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself, however I still don't think it's him that is ruining the image of Dee Snider.
The main reason it's still going is our judicial system takes 18 months or so to hear these cases. Part of that is because fat arse rich bastards like Clive Palmer have so many law suits happening the courts are overstressed, but it's also because lawyers apparently need time to prepare.

I understand Dee being called as a witness even though he stands to gain nothing from the case but I really have to laugh at the idea that the bad rendition ruins Dee's heavy metal image. If the case is about Clive stealing the song then image has nothing to do with it. And if Dee's image is heavy metal then god help us all.

And I think you're right Dee's going to be trying hard to get his name in the press while he's got an album in the works. The fights between him and Trump supporters are going to be posted every day or so and Dee's going to make sure of it.
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Yeah it's a weird approach to take. If Universal claimed it ruined some sort of image they had created as a part of the song maybe the argument would be valid. But suggesting that it's ruined any image of himself Dee has makes it a private matter which makes it a civil case between him and Clive not the label who owns the rights to the music.

Yeah it has, my wife got called in for jury duty in Feb/March, right as the close downs first started but all cases were put off and the courts closed so she never got to do it. I'm not even sure we are accepting jury cases as it is now 6 months later.
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He's a guy I could never get into, but I met his missus (now ex) before he did and she was hot. She led an Aussie pub rock band called Baby Animals who we worked with a number of times.
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Nah, but I can tell you I would like to have been :)

I suppose I'm being a little unfair to Nuno, I do remember the first Extreme album and it was full of great cock rock, dick slinging guitar work. I never really followed his career but it always seemed that people only talked about the later Extreme albums. I would say the first album isn't one I would put on and listen to today but for it's time it was quite well done and fitted with the rest of the cock rock stuff that was coming out of the US scene.
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Yeah probably, cock rock, chicks with dicks, hair metal, glam metal. I'm sure Extreme fitted in there somewhere before and after their mainstream success
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Cock rock is actually a 60's term for bands like Led Zep etc, and while it did continue after that I don't really know what Extreme were when they started. Wiki called them funk metal but I'm not sure funk metal was a thing in the 80's when they started. They weren't full make up like Poison or Motley etc although I'm sure they wore eyeliner. I would reckon apart from Nuno's shredding they were probably about on a par with Van Halen and Kiss when it came to style.
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Cock rock is actually a 60's term for bands like Led Zep etc, and while it did continue after that I don't really know what Extreme were when they started. Wiki called them funk metal but I'm not sure funk metal was a thing in the 80's when they started. They weren't full make up like Poison or Motley etc although I'm sure they wore eyeliner. I would reckon apart from Nuno's shredding they were probably about on a par with Van Halen and Kiss when it came to style.
I’ve always said if Eddie ever had a successor it was Nuno. I would just put Extreme in The hard rock category. First album they did have some glam look to them. But you couldn’t really get signed without it.
Extreme was a little gay Lyrically though lol. But Nuno is awesome. The solo in come out and play is great and the solo flight of the wounded bumble bee. And his rhythms are very Eddie.
Too bad he didn’t get into an actual metal band.
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I’ve always said if Eddie ever had a successor it was Nuno. I would just put Extreme in The hard rock category. First album they did have some glam look to them. But you couldn’t really get signed without it.
Extreme was a little gay Lyrically though lol. But Nuno is awesome. The solo in come out and play is great and the solo flight of the wounded bumble bee. And his rhythms are very Eddie.
Too bad he didn’t get into an actual metal band.

I actually thought the first Extreme album was more immature. I have no idea how old they were (obviously not that old) but songs like Kid Ego and the only about not wanting to go to school, seemed to be aimed directly at a teenage audience. They weren't angry teen angst like some of today's bands but they seemed to still be aiming for the teen market. Whether that changed in later years I don't know but I do think they must have matured a little bit otherwise they wouldn't have been successful.

Wasn't Nuno in one of those guitartist groups with Vai or Sat? G7 or some other such name?
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